
Peach Gypsy Arm

By Lilias

If you are a baking lover, you would surely like to learn how to prepare Peach Gypsy Arm, which is a cake filled with peach-based jam. Well, it is an ideal recipe to enjoy in the middle of the afternoon with your family and friends. In addition, it is simple to make and does not require you to make a large investment of money and it is delicious. Below we will describe all its ingredients and the steps you must follow to prepare it.

  • Preparation time : 60 minutes
  • Servings : 4 people


The products you need to make peach gypsy arm will probably be in your pantry or you can buy them at any supermarket near your home. Because, for the most part, they are basic ingredients that are stored in any Mexican kitchen. These are:

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Cooking time: 40 minutes


  • 100 grams of wheat flour.
  • 3 large eggs.
  • 100 grams of sugar.
  • 300 grams of milk cream.
  • 2 large peaches.
  • Grated coconut to decorate.



The process to make peach gypsy arm is simple to do, you do not need to be an expert pastry chef to prepare them. Because you will only require a thin dough as a base. The steps to follow are as follows:
Step 1

Pour the eggs into a container and with the help of a hand mixer begin to beat. Then, add the sugar and continue mixing to incorporate all the ingredients and eliminate any lumps.
Step 2

Pour in the previously sifted flour and make circular movements so that the mixture is homogeneous. Let it rest for 30 minutes in a warm place.
Step 3

Preheat in oven at 220°C for 6 minutes. Place baking paper on a tray and spread the dough to a thickness of 2 cm. Then, bake for 8 minutes and set aside in the refrigerator to fill it.
Step 4

Once the dough is cold, add the cream and spread it evenly over the entire surface. Then, place the peach in pieces. Then, start rolling it very carefully so that it doesn’t break. Also, you can decorate it with coconut and pieces of mint to taste. Next, cut it into 4 portions.

In short, you now know the entire process to prepare peach gypsy arm. This way, you can surprise your family with a delicious dessert. You can even decorate it with another type of fruit of your choice, it will still be an excellent choice to enjoy during the snack.