
homemade gancia | Folk Race!

By Lilias

The heat suffocates us and the nights become long, enjoying the pleasure of feeling a little relief when the sun goes down, we accompany this moment with a delicious Gancia shake. We admit it…we love the Gancia!

A delicious appetizer if there ever was one, this one serves to prepare countless drinks and refresh us by delighting us with its rich flavor. And what better if we do it ourselves!

Gancia is a very refreshing drink, its combination with other fruits, juices and soft drinks make it unmatched.

Obviously, by making them ourselves and by not having any kind of processing, it will be a little cloudier so to speak, however the flavor will be almost the same.

Take advantage of these days to do it as the summer is still missing.



-500 ml of Alcohol

-3 l of mineral water

-1 yellow grapefruit

-1 large lemon

-1 Orange

-1 kg of refined sugar

-2 Sprigs of Rosemary

-5 Cloves

-Glass demijohn or some similar container

-Coffee filter


We start by washing the fruits well, we must remove all kinds of residue that the peel may have. It is always better to use organic fruits when you are going to use peeled fruit but I must admit that it is a bit complicated to get them.

For this reason, many people choose to resort to other cleaning methods, such as letting the fruit rest in vinegar and lemon. The combination of these powerful bactericides are very effective in eliminating bacteria and any kind of agrochemicals that it may have.

Now that we have the fruit clean, we are going to cut them into strips, trying to cut them so that they can enter through the mouth of the demijohn.

Once we have put the fruit in the container, we add the alcohol and water. We cover with a cork and shake well.

Uncover and add the sugar, cloves and rosemary sprigs. We definitely cover.

We must let it macerate for about 30 to 40 days and store it in a place that remains cool and dark.

Let’s always try to shake the demijohn at least once a week.

After that time, we are going to filter the liquid to remove the peels and other ingredients. The more we filter it before putting it in the bottle the better.

Then we move on to the bottles, very cold and that’s it!