
Death begins in the GUT, my grandmother used to say! Why die when you have this plant at home!

By Lesia

It used to be a must in the natural pharmacy.

It also helps with coughs, sore throats and gingivitis, fPhoto:  

Thanks to the YouTube channel Meine Küche Tanja we can remember the healing effects of this valuable plant. 

This plant was once considered a savior because of its great healing powers .

If you browse through ancient medical literature, you will find that sage was recommended for many health problems. 

Even common people in the past believed that sage could prolong life and ward off many diPhoto:  

For daily needs and to support the health of the entire body, against fungal and bacterial infections, this recipe is considered the best.

We need:

less than a handful of dried sage

200 ml boiling water



Add the dried sage to the jug.

Pour boiling water over it. 

Let the whole mixture simmer for another 5 minutPhoto:  

Now cover the sage and let it steep for 15 minutes. 

Then filter through a thick metal sieve.

Drink 2 to 3 times a day  30 minutes before meals. 

Other medicinal effectPhoto:  

Sage is  antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal. 

Apart from the health problems mentioned above, it also helps with bladder, intestinal and kidney infections.

Also use  in case of purulent tonsillitis, hoarseness or dry or productive cough. 

It also helps with the following health problems:

in diseases of the spinal cord

Parkinson’s disease

Alzheimer’s disease

relieves flatulence

helps with inflammation of the stomach

facilitates digestion

kills Helicobacter pylori

has a positive effect on rheumatism

cleanses the liver and blood

regulates blood sugar lePhoto:  

Several studies have shown that this plant has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

These properties are due to the rich concentration of phenolic flavonoids, which is why sage is often used in naturopathy for rheumatism and Alzheimer’s disease.

The plant contains compounds that block an enzyme that breaks down a compound called acetylcholine.

It is an essential molecule for the proper functioning of the brain , which is reduced in Alzheimer’s patients.

But sage also contains many antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds , including rosmarinic acid, which can control the body’s inflammatory response.


The plant also contains numerous active ingredients that inhibit oxidative stress, one of the main causes of chronic diseases.

Sage is also a good source of vitamin K.

The amount of this vitamin contained in the plant covers up to 45% of the daily requirement.

It also contains vitamin A, B, C and vitamin E. 

As a medicinal plant, it is able to fight various diseases.

It is recommended for: bronchitis, rheumatism, gingivitis, cramps and hemorrhoids;

It is used to treat typical symptoms of respiratory diseases .

Its use is recommended for asthma patients as it reduces tension in the airways, facilitates breathing and prevents spasms.


Other effects of clary sage

Sage also helps with headaches and migraines because it has a calming effect.

It is also a medicine that helps you sleep better because it can reduce anxiety and stress.

Sage is a herbal ally for women because it relieves the symptoms that appear each month in connection with the menstrual cycle. It helps to relieve the symptoms of menopause and restore the balance of the hormonal system.

In addition to internal use, it is also suitable for  coverings to improve the healing of wounds and ulcers. 

In the form of an essential oil, it can be used to prevent hair loss in men  and in combination with rosemary, it gives shine to the hair and helps fight dandruff.