
Not all Slovaks remember this rat from their grandmother’s garden: its value cannot even be quantified!

By Lesia

Today its cultivation is no longer so popular.

However, this is very disadvantageous.

This is what you should know if you  include gooseberries in your diet and only for a limited time.

This will have a very positive effePhoto:  

According to healthline  , you only need to eat them during the time when they  are born in our gardens.

So when you are planning what to plant in your garden this time of year, choose gooseberries too.

You won’t regretPhoto:  

Gooseberries are absolutely unique!

Whichever  variety  you choose – green, yellow or red – their health benefits are enormous.

Our ancestors already knew this, and that is why gooseberries were widespread in all gardens.

Not only are they very healthy, but they are also very easy to grow.

They grow almost without you noticing.

Your body will thank you

Gooseberries  have a positive effect on the functioning of the liver, heart and kidneys, prevent stomach diseases and even cancer of the digestive tract.

Our grandmothers used to make gooseberry syrup, which was indispensable for fevers, colds, inflammations and virusPhoto:  

In high temperatures, gooseberries have been shown to help cool the body quickly and alleviate what can sometimes be life-threatening conditions.

Since this is such a significant effect, one should not overdo it with gooseberries and be careful not to consume large amounts of this fruit.

In addition, gooseberries are one of the most powerful antioxidants and contain 20 times more vitamin C than oranges!

More vitamin C than currants, lemons and oranges

Due to its high vitamin content<nbsp; A, B1, C, D and E and its low energy content, it is one of the best fruits for people who want to lose weight.</nbsp;

In addition, they contain citric, grape and fruit acid, pectin, niacin, potassium, phosphorus and calcium, which  leads to exceptional cell protection and strengthening of the immune system.

Pectin not only stimulates intestinal activity but also lowers high cholesterol levels.

Last but not least, thanks to their high antioxidant content, they also offer important protection against cancer.

Rescue for your kidneys, prostate and Photo:  

It is little known that gooseberries can help with inflammation of the urinary tract and kidneys even more than cranberries.

They can quickly flush bacteria from the urinary system and protect the kidneys and urinary tract from their return .

In addition, they counteract waterlogging in the body.

Gooseberries also stiffen the walls of blood vessels and fight high blood prPhoto:  

If you have problems with anemia, you should eat gooseberries daily.

Women will also be pleased to know that gooseberries improve the quality of skin, hair and nails.

You don’t need masks and peelings, just enjoy.

You don’t just have to eat the fruit, you can also use the leaves in a fanPhoto:  

Rich in vitamins and nutrients

Gooseberry leaves contain many useful substances – especially rich in vitamin C.

They also contain tannins, flavonoids and a significant amount of mineral salts (manganese, honey, magnesium, etc.)

What can they do for our hePhoto:  

The high  vitamin C content is very important for people with weakened immune systems and during times when the body is more susceptible to developing diseases such as flu or colds.

It is a powerful antioxidant that protects cells from premature aging and the effects of free radicals.

They can also help protect cells from caPhoto:  

Sugar and decoctions of gooseberry leaves have a strong disinfectant  and anti-inflammatory effect.

They are used for wounds, scratches, but also for rinsing the oral cavity in case of various inflammations.

Useful properties of teas and gooseberry leaf decoctions have also been proven in the treatment of stomach ulcers and gastrPhoto:  

For  the treatment of anemia and to support blood formation  – the substances contained in the gooseberry leaves are  important for the formation of red blood cells and, in addition to the anemia already mentioned, also prevent atherosclerosis .

 The effects of gooseberry leaves are also  invaluable in cases of diabetes and rheumatism .

The tea made from the leaves is excellent for treating flu, colds and even tonsillitis.

Prepare the tea by taking 2 teaspoons of dried leaves and pouring 250 ml of boiling water over them. Let it brew for 4 minutes.

A poultice made from gooseberryPhoto:  

If your knees are sore, make a compress out of gooseberry leaves .

Boil about 30 leaves in 500  ml  of water and let it steep with the lid on for 15 minutes.

Soak a cloth with the brew, place the leaves on it, fold it over and hold the still hot compress on your knee.

Cover with foil and wrap in a warm towel.

Leave the compress on overnight and repeat if necessary.

Gooseberry leaf tea acts as a diuretic, promotes sweating and can remove excess water and bacteria from the body that cause inflammation of the kidneys and urinary tract.