
A Drink That Detoxifies The Liver And Eliminates Fat

By Lilias

Welcome Tips A Drink That Detoxifies The Liver And Eliminates Fat

When the body is full of toxins, the liver cannot perform its purification, synthesis and storage functions normally. In this case, the process of losing weight is much slower and you promote weight gain. Often underestimated in diets, the liver is nevertheless an important, even decisive factor in the process of losing excess pounds, this is also one of the reasons why many people have difficulty losing weight, whatever the method used, and despite their efforts.

In this article, we tell you about a particularly effective drink, as good for your figure as it is for your health. Let’s not keep you in suspense any longer and discover without further delay the active ingredients that make it up!

Ginger and lemon tea

Ginger tea is great for weight loss.

Ginger and lemon are two foods that, in the same preparation, promote good health. Both ingredients contain antioxidants that are essential for the entire body.

Furthermore, ginger is anti-inflammatory and lemon is rich in vitamin C. The latter therefore helps to produce collagen and improve iron absorption, among other things.


  • 1 slice of ginger
  • ½ lemon
  • 1 cup water (250 ml)


  1. Bring the cup of water to a boil and add the ginger slice and lemon juice.
  2. Let stand for 10 to 15 minutes and drink in small sips.
  3. Consume it at least three times a week.