
Get 1 Apple: Multiple Orchid Branches Will Grow On The Same Twig

By Lilias

Welcome Tips Get 1 Apple: Multiple Orchid Branches Will Grow On The Same Twig

Almost no one knows that many orchid branches grow on the same branch. How to do it? Just take a single apple.

Orchid branches are among the most delicate in this whole fantastic world. Those who are not professionals in the sector do not always manage to multiply the branches or save them from a particular situation. For this reason, a nurseryman has decided to reveal a little secret to save the plant also with the help of an apple. How is this possible? Let’s try to follow his advice step by step.

1. How to make fertilizer with apple

There are some very interesting DIY methods, especially when it comes to plants and their survival. The orchid is certainly one of the most delicate in the world, so much so that it is professionals in the sector – as a general rule – who take care of it or give instructions on how to do it.

Before understanding how to harvest an orchid branch to grow many flowers on it, the first step is to prepare a natural apple fertilizer. How to do it?;

  • Take a ripe, organic red apple.
  • Remove the skin and place in a container or small saucepan.
  • Pour in water.

The water with the apple peel should boil, then continue cooking for another five minutes. Once the natural fertilizer is ready, strain and let cool.

2. Grow healthy orchid branches, with only one branch

Now take the orchid branch you want to save and do it in this particular way:

  • Using a cotton pad soaked in apple solution, clean the entire twig and disinfect it.
  • Immediately afterwards, take a few soaked discs and place them – piercing them – where the flowers that will grow shortly are.

This combination is optimal for the orchid branch to be ready to grow its flowers on the same branch. Thanks to the nutrients contained in the apple, the orchid will be healthy, making it much stronger.