
6 Plants to Cleanse Your Lungs and Fight Asthma

By Lilias

Welcome Tips 6 Plants to Cleanse Your Lungs and Fight Asthma

To treat respiratory problems  (asthma, shortness of breath or infections) you can use plants alongside your treatment. Medicinal plants have been used for this purpose since the dawn of time.

Here are 6 plants to cleanse your lungs and fight asthma:


  • With its anti-inflammatory and relaxing properties, ginger helps  reduce inflammation  in the respiratory tract. Its relaxing properties also help soothe muscles, which has a positive effect on asthma.
  • Mixed with honey and lemon, this remedy is effective in relieving attacks of breathlessness.
  • A ginger infusion also helps prevent the disease, more slowly certainly, but also very effectively.


Borage is a refreshing herb that helps moisten the lungs when they are dry and irritated. Steep 1 tablespoon of flowering tops in a cup filled with water for about ten minutes.


  • It is, above all, an antiseptic plant for the respiratory tract, thanks to the presence of a powerful active ingredient, eucalyptol. It also has an action on chronic rheumatism. Eucalyptus is febrifuge and antiasthmatic.
  • Some herbalists also prescribe it for diabetes, although the substances responsible for this action have not yet been isolated. Finally, it is also used as an aperitif and stimulant plant in cases of persistent fatigue and convalescence.


  • Thyme is often very powerful in combating chest congestion. It produces powerful antiseptic essential oils that are classified as natural antibiotics and antifungals. Thyme is well known for clearing acne much more safely than expensive creams, gels and lotions prescribed by the doctor.
  • Thyme tea has the power to chase away and eliminate bacteria and viruses, so whether your infection is based on one or the other, it will work. Thyme has been used as a remedy for the lungs since ancient times and today it is used extensively for the prevention and treatment of respiratory tract infections and bacterial pneumonia.


  • Licorice is one of the best softening and anti-inflammatory plants. Use the finely chopped dry root, or better pulverized, to prepare the infusion. Do not put too much, a small amount is enough to soften the mucous membranes. I often use half a teaspoon of pulverized root for a large cup, and I combine it with bouillon-blanc or plantain. You can also use it alone.
  • It plays multiple roles, as it is also slightly mucilaginous like marshmallow, and acts as a stimulating expectorant thanks to its saponins (therefore ensuring a good transition for the next phase).


Credit: alchetron

It has no equal for decongesting the lungs. Infuse 1 spoonful of flowering tops in a cup filled with water for ten minutes.