
13 Plants That Bring Good Luck and Positive Energy

By Lilias

It is very common to use different types of plants to brighten up offices or the interior of homes. In addition to the decorative touch they provide, these plants purify and refresh the ambient air in our homes, which can be very polluted due to the use of household products, cleaners, etc. But did you know that plants can also be useful for attracting positive energy and chasing away negative vibes?


Spearmint is able to heal your body but also protect you from evil spells and envy. It is also believed to bring economic prosperity and financial profit.


Holy basil is one of the most powerful medicinal herbs. According to Hinduism and Buddhism, it brings health, wealth and prosperity.


Credit: vegetable garden

Since ancient times, thyme has been used to chase away negative vibes. Having it at home brings more serenity to all your rooms. It effectively fights bad luck. This is what earned it the nickname of “purifying plant”. It also helps to strengthen your self-esteem.


Rosemary helps improve physical and mental health thanks to its ability to purify your home or office of harmful substances. Its scent improves mood and memory, fights fatigue and anxiety, and treats sleep disorders. To keep it in good condition for longer, place it in a sunny place and avoid overwatering it.


Credit: mojerecepty

The orchid has a delicate and very pleasant scent. This attracts positive energy while improving the energy flow in your room. When observed closely, it releases a good amount of oxygen in the evening, which makes it the ideal plant in bedrooms.


Outdoors or indoors, Bamboo, also called lucky bamboo, is in vogue in terms of decoration. But in addition to giving a jungle or tropical style to your living room, it will attract good energies. Indeed, bamboo symbolizes prosperity, luck and wisdom. You will love the feeling of well-being, appeasement and calm that it provides.


Jasmine is planted mainly for its beautiful flowers and is popular as a houseplant. The plant attracts positive energy and has a very pleasant aroma that can soothe tension and boost energy. The plant will bring all kinds of positive auras if you place it indoors near a south-facing window.


Credit: astucesdegrandmere

Cacti are very beautiful plants and bring a very special decorative touch, whether in the office or at home. It is a plant that requires special care for its maintenance.

It thus has the ability to ward off jealousy, intruders, ill-intentioned people and also hypocrites. The cactus will also absorb bad electromagnetic energies from household appliances.


Credit: gerbeaud

The rubber tree, also called the rubber plant, is considered a lucky plant because its round leaves denote wealth, luck and prosperity according to the principles of Feng Shui. Place it in the entrance or on your desk to attract money and success.


This is another plant that is believed to bring economic prosperity, so you should keep it in your office. It also neutralizes envy and cruel intentions and, if kept at home, it improves your sleep and combats hyperactivity.

11 – ALOE

Credit: astuces-express

It is a plant used in rituals against bad luck and envy, and it is said to be one of the most effective in combating bad vibes. It is known to attract prosperity and good energies to any place where it is found. According to popular belief, if the aloe grows, it is because it attracts good fortune. If it withers, it is because it has absorbed bad energies and protected the house.


While chrysanthemums in the West are linked to the cult of death, they are also known for their beauty and because they bring a feeling of well-being to the home.

This plant promotes happiness and good humor, which is why it is recommended to put a pot in spaces where tension and / or constant discussions are generated. Chrysanthemums are linked to a life of relaxation.


Spathiphyllum, aka the peace lily, is an excellent source of positive energy for your living environment. According to Feng Shui, it symbolizes peace and tranquility.

It grows very well in places with little light such as a bedroom or toilet. It is a plant that purifies the air!