
How to Regrow Celery at Home from Scraps – No Garden Required

By Lilias

Celery is a versatile and healthy vegetable that can be grown at home from scraps, even without a garden. This simple and inexpensive method not only reduces food waste, but it also offers the satisfaction of regrowing something you would normally throw away. Here’s how to regrow celery at home in a few easy steps.

1. Choose Fresh Celery

To start, choose fresh celery with intact stalks. When you have used the top part of the celery for cooking, keep the cut base with a few inches of stalks.

2. Prepare the Base

Place the base of the celery in a shallow container. Add water to submerge the base, making sure the ends of the stalks are soaked. Change the water every few days to prevent bacteria and ensure optimal growth.

3. Place it in a bright place

Celery needs light to grow. Place the container in a bright location, near a sunny window. If natural light is insufficient, you can use supplemental lighting.

4. Wait and Observe

After about a week, you will start to see small shoots emerging from the base of the celery. The stems will lengthen and new leaves will develop.

5. Transplant into Soil (Optional)

Once the shoots have reached a height of about 3 to 4 inches, you can consider transplanting the celery into a pot with potting soil. This will allow for continued growth and give you the option of keeping it indoors or moving it outdoors if conditions permit.

6. Be Patient and Harvest

Regrown celery will take some time to reach its full size, so be patient. When it’s ready, you can cut off the outer stalks, making sure to leave a few inches of stalk at the base to encourage new growth.

Regrowing celery at home from scraps is a rewarding and environmentally friendly activity. Even without a garden, this simple method allows anyone to grow a fresh vegetable from something that might otherwise have ended up in the trash. So next time you prepare celery, don’t throw away the base – turn it into a new crop to grow at home.