
Keep Ants, Spiders, Flies and Other Insects Away With These 8 Plants

By Lilias

Protect your home and garden from insects by using plants that naturally repel them. You can let them grow in your vegetable garden or pot them at home (windowsill, balcony, veranda). Using these plants is the ecological solution to favor, the alternative to the use of insecticides.


Catnip is a herb that cats are particularly fond of. In fact, its most common name is none other than: catnip. However, if these felines are so fond of this plant, this is far from being the case for insects who abhor its smell. And for good reason, its anti-insect properties are contained in its essential oil.

Placing them in your home will deter mosquitoes and houseflies from disturbing your days and nights of sleep. So don’t hesitate to get some and take care to place them in the places that you suspect are affected by the concentration of insects.


This plant from the Lamiaceae family, with its pretty purple flowers and delicious scent, is also a formidable ally for keeping insects away. Planted in a clump or placed in pots around the garden table or pool, it acts as a natural repellent against mosquitoes, wasps, bumblebees, ants and aphids.


Credit: 4suisse

Lemongrass is a grass (Cymbopogon citratus), widely used in cooking by Asians. Its foliage gives off a strong lemony fragrance, well known for keeping away mosquitoes that disturb our summer evenings. But… the scent is only released from the foliage when it is cut. The anti-mosquito effectiveness of lemongrass will therefore be almost zero if you simply plant it around the places where you eat your meals in the evening!

You will need to chop some leaves and place them on the table to repel mosquitoes and even wasps. Unfortunately, these leaves are tough and sometimes sharp. You will therefore need to use pruning shears to cut them and never do this with your bare hands.


Rosemary will be your best ally with insects, without forgetting that if you have a cat at home, you will not have to worry about eating it or playing with it, because this plant is not to its taste.


Aphids, ants, mosquitoes, this trio of insects hates lemon balm. An aromatic plant with medicinal properties, lemon balm is appreciated for its lemony scent but also its effectiveness against insects. In bouquets or plants near the dining area of ​​your terrace, invite lemon balm into your home!


Wormwood is a perennial plant with silvery leaves that has a repellent effect on aphids. In the garden, wormwood is planted at the foot of flowers to keep aphids away.

It is also possible to dry absinthe and put it in bags to place in your cupboards at home to keep moths away.

Wormwood is also an excellent natural alternative in the vegetable garden to protect carrots, asparagus and onions from midge attacks.

7 – MINT

Mint should be placed in a strategic location in the garden. For example, near a garden furniture set or directly in the house so that it is as effective as possible against all the little creatures that bother you.


Tansy is the perfect ornamental plant to keep as many insects away as possible. In fact, it has particularly fragrant flowers and leaves, which have the effect of repelling ants. A few fresh bouquets placed in their path will be enough to divert these harmful insects from their path. To keep mosquitoes away, it is advisable to rub fresh tansy on the ankles or wrists. Prepared as a liquid manure, decoction or infusion, this plant is effective in protecting the garden and vegetable patch from pests such as slugs, leek worms, Colorado beetles or aphids.