
7 Hacks You Can Do If You Have Rosemary at Home

By Lilias

Welcome Tips 7 Tricks You Can Do If You Have Rosemary Around…

Rosemary is a small, woody, bushy shrub that can reach 2 m in height. It is characterized by small, dark green leaves on the upper side and whitish green on the lower side, in the shape of needles and with folded edges. The flowers with a “labiate” corolla of light blue or pale lilac color are arranged in the axils of the leaves and form inflorescences in a short cluster.

It is a common plant of the Mediterranean basin that is found in scrubland and on low-altitude limestone terrain. It is also found in South-West Asia and the Caribbean. The flowering tops are the parts used in herbal medicine.

But rosemary is also a wonderful therapeutic plant, used for thousands of years to improve health thanks to its wonderful healing properties.

Below we list 7 uses of rosemary that, as unusual as they may seem to us, are really effective and can replace even very expensive products and treatments.


One of the lesser-known properties of rosemary is its ability to neutralize bad odors.

This property is also very useful for removing bad odors, such as sweat, from laundry.

Put a few sprigs of rosemary in a bucket filled with warm water, then submerge the items and let them soak for about 15 minutes, then rinse with cleaner water.


The anti-inflammatory properties of rosemary make it an effective remedy for relieving joint pain, particularly those linked to osteoarthritis.

In the case of joint pain (but also muscular pain), rosemary has proven to be particularly effective as a therapeutic massage oil.

A 2017 study of 105 patients with severely painful osteoarthritis in the lower limbs showed that local application of rosemary essential oil significantly reduced pain.

You can therefore, locally against these pains, use as desired:

  • Diluted rosemary essential oil.
  • A diluted mother tincture of rosemary.
  • Soak your aching limbs in rosemary tea.


Rosemary has a toning role for the scalp. It can be used to slow down hair loss. To do this, combine the essential oil of rosemary, cedarwood, thyme and lavender.


Rosemary is able to darken hair color, hiding gray or white hair.

To take advantage of this special property, add about 15 drops of rosemary essential oil to the shampoo you usually use. In addition to strengthening the hair, rosemary will make it darker.

If you want to use the rosemary sprigs directly, you can also prepare an herbal tea by cooking them for a few minutes. Let cool and use to rinse your hair.


An excellent repellent, rosemary is ideal for keeping away insects that fear its strong smell. You can place it on the windowsill or take advantage of it by making your own mosquito repellent spray to apply to the skin to protect yourself from bites.

To do this, infuse dried rosemary leaves or a few sprigs of fresh rosemary in boiling water for 15 to 20 minutes. Once the liquid has cooled, filter and pour into a bottle with a spray. Eco-friendly and 100% natural, this grandmother’s remedy can be sprayed on the skin and has the advantage of containing no chemicals!


This plant (in small doses) can aid digestion as it stimulates the production of bile, helping to better neutralize acidic foods in the stomach.

Brew a cup of tea to help treat stomach problems such as cramps, bloating, constipation or indigestion.


You can add rosemary to all kinds of meats, including chicken, lamb, fish, shellfish, turkey, pork, and beef. You can make a rosemary stuffing, put whole sprigs in the dish you’re cooking your meat in, or use chopped leaves for flavor. To make a rub that you can rub on any meat you want to roast, grill, sauté, or pan-fry, mix together:

  • A tablespoon of ground black pepper
  • A tablespoon of salt
  • 3 tablespoons chopped fresh rosemary
  • A tablespoon of dried rosemary
  • 8 cloves of chopped garlic