
I grow tomatoes with the trick my grandfather taught me! Generous harvest

By Lesia

Tomatoes are a fundamental ingredient in the Mediterranean diet. Therefore, having an abundant, fresh and organic supply on hand would be a pleasure. Growing them is not too complicated. Whether in a garden bed, in a corner of the garden or even in pots, they offer immense satisfaction, provided that certain guidelines and a particular technique are followed that guarantees a bountiful yield.

So why wait any longer? Master the craft and dive in!

How to grow tomatoes for a bountiful harvest:

Start by selecting the tomato variety that suits your taste preferences, whether beefsteak, cherry, salad or others.

Prepare loose, well-drained soil enriched with organic matter. Opt for a slow-release granular fertilizer and find a spot that receives at least six hours of sunlight a day.

Sow seeds between March and May, the optimal time. If the weather remains cold, use containers and keep them indoors. Once the seedlings sprout with at least four true leaves, transplant them, making sure they are spaced at least half a metre apart.

Provide ample room for the roots to grow deep, starting from the stem itself. Remove the lower leaves, dig a hole, plant the seedling and cover with soil. This step ensures strong root establishment and a bountiful harvest. Then, water generously.

Consider supplementing with a liquid compost containing potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen, or make your own with fireplace ash and dried nettle, rich in minerals that support fruit development.

Protecting tomatoes from pests:

To protect against disease and promote thriving growth, rotate crops annually and transplant them into fresh, sun-exposed, well-fertilised soil.

In case of aphids, scale insects or other pests that threaten your survival, use a powerful but natural insecticide. Marseille soap, a traditional and empirically tested remedy, is an excellent choice. Grate at least 50 grams, dissolve it in boiling water, let it cool, transfer to a spray bottle and apply to the leaves, stems and trunk after sunset. In a few days, your tomatoes will be safe from future attacks.

This remedy can also serve preventive purposes without harming the plants or the environment.

Happy gardening!
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