
Here’s How to Grow Strawberries at Home (Step by Step)

By Lesia

Anyone who wants to change their eating habits to boost their health capital knows that fruits and vegetables play an important role. Appreciated by young and old alike, strawberries are juicy fruits that are full of antioxidants and vitamin C. In addition, they contain very little sugar and can be included in a weight-loss program. But to take full advantage of the virtues of these vitamin bombs, it is best to opt for those that come from organic farming. And to save money and allow the whole family to enjoy an activity that is both fun and educational, you can choose to plant strawberry plants at home. Spotlight on the steps to follow to obtain a large quantity of strawberries every day.

According to a study conducted by the association Générations Futures in 2013 and relayed by BFMTV, while strawberries sold in stores look particularly appetizing, they are nevertheless full of pesticides that are lodged there. By analyzing 49 samples of French and Spanish strawberries, researchers discovered the presence of certain pesticides known to disrupt the endocrine system in 90% of the fruits.

These frightening results should lead to a collective awareness and encourage everyone to invest in organic products. In reality, there is nothing better than growing strawberries at home and watching over their harvest daily to benefit from healthy and tasty products. In this sense, discover how to plant strawberries and obtain a significant quantity of this fruit at home.

The choice of strawberries
There are two main varieties of strawberries: the everbearing strawberry plant and the non-everbearing strawberry plant.

– A remontant strawberry plant is a plant that produces strawberries several times during the same season, from June until the first frosts. Production is generally high at the beginning of the season, then decreases between July and August. This category allows you to eat fresh fruit throughout the summer.
– A non-remontant strawberry plant offers abundant production that lasts between 3 to 4 weeks, from June to August.

The ideal period for planting a strawberry plant
Picking strawberries in your vegetable garden or in a pot and enjoying them with your family is a particularly pleasant moment. But before you can enjoy this sensation, you need to know the steps to follow to plant strawberry plants. Choosing the planting period is essential. Whether for remontant or non-remontant strawberry plants, planting must be carried out between August and October.

Planting the strawberry plant
Planting a strawberry plant requires rich, fresh and fertile soil. Make sure to choose a sunny location to increase strawberry production. In a pot or in the vegetable garden, here are the steps to follow to plant your strawberry plant.

In a pot:

  • Choose a pot at least 20 centimeters in diameter with a hole in the bottom
  • Place gravel or clay balls in the bottom of the pot
  • Fill the pot halfway with garden soil and add potting soil and sand in the remaining half.
  • Place the root ball in the center of the pot
  • Add potting soil to fill the perimeter of the pot and pack it down with your hands to avoid air bubbles
  • Place your pot in a sunny spot in your home
  • Make a hole 5 millimeters deep in the soil then sow 3 seeds in it
  • Cover them with a little potting soil then water regularly with a little water only.

In the vegetable garden:
strawberry plant

  • Prepare your soil by adding potting soil and compost
  • Dig holes, making sure to space each plant 30 to 40 cm apart and each row 50 to 60 cm apart
  • Plant your strawberry plants without covering the collar
  • Water regularly and without excess

bucket of strawberries
How to maintain strawberry plants?
For a good harvest, regular maintenance of the plants is required. To do this, it is essential to eliminate weeds as they appear, taking care not to damage the roots of the strawberry plants. At the end of the summer season, the stolons must also be removed so as not to damage the plant.

These long stems can be replanted in another area to form a new plant. During the fall, it is important to remove the dried leaves. In addition, the strawberry plant requires sufficient and regular watering since the soil must never dry out. Finally, to boost strawberry production, you can use an organic fertilizer from the beginning of spring.