
What is Moringa and Why is it Good for Me?

By Lilias

Welcome Tips What is Moringa and Why is it Good for Me?

Moringa is a tree that offers valuable nutritional and energy resources. It is distinguished by its medicinal virtues, whether it is to fight fatigue, cholesterol, inflammatory processes or even to avoid infections. Its use is enjoying growing success. Here is what you need to know about moringa.

It reduces inflammation

  • Moringa is an amazing superfood for controlling inflammation.
  • Inflammation is a good thing: it’s part of healing injuries and getting rid of colds and flus.
    However, it can become a problem when the body has trouble letting go of it once the injury has healed. This is called chronic inflammation.
  • Chronic inflammation puts us at risk for many chronic diseases, such as heart disease and cancer. Research indicates that moringa is very helpful in reducing inflammation.
  • It is the high amount of antioxidants found in moringa powder that helps fight inflammation. It has long been used as a traditional remedy for its anti-inflammatory properties.

Moringa oil protects skin and heals skin infections

  • It is antibacterial and antifungal, so it will fight infections both internally and on the skin. Combine that with its ability to reduce inflammation and it is a great acne treatment.
  • Athlete’s foot is a common fungal infection that occurs between the toes when feet are too wet in shoes for a long time. Moringa is a natural way to get rid of it and helps reduce the resulting stinky odor.
  • Moringa oil is one of those magical products that acts as an astringent, so you can put it on your skin to dry out pimples while leaving it moisturized.
  • It restores the skin’s natural moisture barrier and therefore also protects it.

Moringa for the immune system

  • To fight against winter illnesses, the miracle tree will be your most faithful companion!
  • Moringa is an excellent immune stimulant: it increases the quality and quantity of white blood cells. It also stimulates the synthesis of antibodies and its antioxidants are great allies to fight most diseases!

The benefits of moringa

  • Moringa provides high doses of iron, vitamin C, potassium, and calcium. Some studies have shown that it can actually fight inflammation, and it also contains plenty of powerful antioxidants. Research has also shown that some risk factors for diabetes and heart disease can be reduced by moringa, and many other promising medicinal uses are possible.
  • Moringa has long been used to combat malnutrition, particularly in infants and nursing mothers. Since moringa thrives in arid and semi-arid environments, it can be a versatile and nutritious food source year-round. Moringa leaves have been proposed as an iron-rich food source to combat iron deficiency. While this superfood is generally safe to consume, it is not recommended to be consumed during pregnancy or breastfeeding, as well as in interaction with other medications, especially for medicinal purposes.