
Why You Should Put Bay Leaves On Your Radiator? The Trick To Save Money This Winter

By Lilias

Welcome Tips Why Should You Put Bay Leaves On Your Radiator? The Trick…

Putting bay leaves on your radiator may seem strange. But it’s actually a great idea! Why? Because in winter, bad smells tend to stick around. Even if you air the room every morning! Musty, cooking smells… Not very pleasant at all.

No question of using expensive chemical industrial air fresheners…

Fortunately, there is a simple and effective grandmother’s trick to deodorize your home without breaking the bank.

Put bay leaves on the radiator

By placing a few bay leaves on the radiator, you will be surprised by the smell they will give off in a few minutes and which can last for several days. To do this:

Turn on your heater and wait until it is hot.

Place a handful of bay leaves on the radiator (you can also put them in a heat-resistant container of water and place it on the radiator).

Let it sit like this, the longer the bay leaves remain in contact with the heat, the stronger the smell will be.

Bay leaves, besides being a pleasant aroma, are also a powerful deodorizer that neutralizes and eliminates bad odors.