
Dead orchid, just a pinch to resurrect it

By Lesia

Dead and dull orchid: add a pinch of this natural ingredient to resuscitate it and give it a second life.

Orchid with dull leaves and flowers? How to make the plant more lush and healthy? Just add a pinch of this ingredient you find in your pantry to resuscitate it immediately. Find out what you should add to your perennial plant and how to make it thrive.

Orchid with yellowing leaves: what are the causes?

Orchid with yellow leaves and wilted flowers? It often happens that the immune system of this ornamental plant weakens. The leaves turn yellow and the flowers fade. Yellowing of orchid leaves is caused by stagnation of water caused by too frequent watering. Direct and too intense sunlight, lack of fertilizers, mechanical damage and pests are also causes of weakening of the orchid. Orchids undergo a process of weakening and aging, during which the leaves turn yellow and dry.

Water stagnation between the leaves leads to the proliferation of fungal spores, bacteria and pathogens that attack the orchid stem causing blossom end rot. Another reason why the orchid may have yellow leaves is the use of an old and degraded substrate. Another problem that weakens the orchid is too much light.

Weakened orchid: add a teaspoon of this ingredient

There is an ingredient that is easily found in the kitchen cupboard and can be used to strengthen the immune system of the perennial plant. We are talking about glucose, which can be diluted in water and can be used as a fertilizer to feed orchids.

The same roots of the plant are predisposed to absorb sugary substances, but it should not be exceeded too much because the function is to reverse the osmotic process and cause dehydration of the plant.

Therefore, it is good to add a little glucose to the soil, but it is good to be careful not to exceed it because it could promote the proliferation of bacteria and fungal spores.

This should be done on a monthly basis. Many nurserymen recommend adding a little milk, which can also be used to clean the leaves, make them shiny and remove dust on the leaves and flowers of the plant. Expired milk can have a second life and can be used as a natural fertilizer.

Dead orchid with yellowing leaves: other good tips

In addition to using glucose, to strengthen the immune system of the perennial, it is good to tend the perennial to a relatively mild temperature. A common mistake that everyone makes is to place this cultivar in direct contact with sunlight, but the sun’s rays burn the leaves and flowers.

For this reason, it is good to place this perennial plant in the shade where the sun’s rays arrive indirectly. Even the choice of the pot plays an important role in the good growth of this plant.

It is important to opt for a transparent pot, which allows you to monitor the health and growth of the roots. The humidity factor also plays an important role for the healthy growth of the orchid: the ideal humidity level should be equal to 60% points: this elegant plant likes to live in the kitchen or bathroom.

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