
Tea Bag in the Toilet, Why Throw It in Before Bed?

By Lesia

Not many people know the trick of throwing a tea bag in the toilet, but you should get into the habit of throwing it in the toilet before going to bed. Are you curious to know what it is for? Continue reading the article.

Tea in the Bathroom
The toilet can be the source of many problems, from unpleasant odors to limescale stains on the bowl. When trying to find a solution that does not include chemicals, we may come across the trick of tea bags.

Bad Odors in the Bathroom.
One of the causes of strong odors in the bathroom is the toilet siphon. This device is used to neutralize wastewater odors and prevent them from reaching homes when water accumulates in a section of the pipe.

It can happen that the water in our siphon dries up and therefore the main protection against bad odors in the bathroom is lost.

Woman Cleans Smelly Toilet
Bathroom odors may also be caused by the sealing of pipes, which were not properly sealed. This situation can cause gas to escape from the sewer system without causing water leaks.

In this case, one solution to the problem is to seal the leak with putty or tape.

Bad smells from “old pipes”
Tea bag in the bathroom.
Old pipes encourage the growth of bacteria and yeasts that cause bad smells in the pipes.

Stagnant water and waste materials form layers that clog pipes and cause odors in the toilet. Poor ventilation in the bathroom without windows that do not allow good air passage or the consequent creation of humidity can also be responsible for the bad smell of the toilet.

Ventilation grille in the bathroom.
In this case, it is a good idea to have a bathroom extractor to avoid mold and humidity.

What is the point of throwing a tea bag in the toilet?
It is known that the toilet can be a source of germs, bacteria and bad smells. Although we can carry out ordinary cleaning, unfortunately due to its nature it tends to give off bad smells and get dirty.

To overcome this problem, it is not uncommon to use chemical-based detergents, which in addition to being harmful to the health of those who use them, have a strong environmental impact.

Solutions with natural products are a valid alternative, and most of the time it is not even necessary to buy them, because we already have them at home! In this case, it is simple tea bags, let’s see how to have a bathroom that is always clean and fragrant!

The woman prepares a cup of tea
After drinking afternoon tea, you will no longer throw the tea bag in the garbage, because it is suitable for counteracting the bad smell of the toilet. Let’s see what to do.

To solve this problem, depending on the smell, you can take one or two tea bags, which should be placed in the toilet and left to rest for a night, so that they act sufficiently.

The next day you need to remove the bag, tighten the thread so that it does not come into contact with the toilet water, then scrub the inside walls and the bottom of the toilet with a special brush.

As soon as you flush the toilet, the bad smell disappears! The tea bags will have helped not only to eliminate the smell of the toilet, but at the same time to disinfect it and leave it cleaner and whiter than ever, and this is due to the cleaning and sanitizing properties of the tea bags.

Clean bathroom
You can also put 2 tea bags in 500 ml of hot water for about 5 minutes maximum and add the mixture to the toilet. After the resting time, proceed as before. This mixture also helps to make the water less calcareous.