
By Using Guava Leaves You Can Stop Hair Loss and Make It Grow Back…100% Effective!!

By Lilias

Welcome Tips By Using Guava Leaves You Can Stop Hair Loss…Credit: naturaltips

A tropical fruit widely consumed in South America, guava is a food with multiple culinary qualities and proven therapeutic benefits. In addition to preventing cancer and relieving digestive disorders, guava and guava leaves are also excellent for hair.

Importance of Guava for Hair

Guava leaf helps to strengthen hair follicles and strengthen your hair roots.

Guava actually contains pyridoxine, commonly known as vitamin B6, which is necessary for healthy and beautiful hair. The fruit also contains vitamin B2, vitamin B1, vitamin A and folic acid, which contribute to hair growth and make it strong and strong. If you are deficient in these vitamins, not only will your hair become weak, but your scalp will also suffer.


Boil a handful of guava leaves in water for 20 minutes and then let the mixture cool. Use it to massage your scalp – leave it for a few hours and then wash your hair as usual. Massage the scalp before going to bed and let the mixture work overnight for best results. You can also apply the toner after washing your hair.