
The Easy Way To Grow Organic Cilantro Without Soil At Home

By Lilias

Welcome Tips The Easy Way To Grow Organic Cilantro Without Soil At…

Coriander is one of the essential aromatic plants! Also called Chinese parsley or Arabic parsley, it is appreciated in cooking for its finely chopped foliage and its seeds with a lemony and peppery taste. It perfumes our salads, marinades and our small dishes. In addition to its taste qualities, this herb is full of many health benefits.

You can grow it easily, so you can have it on hand for cooking.

To germinate coriander, you need to buy good coriander seeds. For better germination place them in a mortar, you need to split the seeds in half. Only half, no more. Never crush the seeds into powder.

Now prepare a container in which the strainer will fit. Fill with clean filtered water. For better germination, you can add 1/2 teaspoon of any mineral fertilizer directly to the water.

Place the strainer on top so that the bottom is lightly touching the water. Sprinkle only  1/3 of all the seeds and then add the rest every 5-7 days. This will prolong the growth and you will have a good harvest for a long time because the seeds you plant later will yield a harvest after the ones that germinated first.

Keep the seeds moist at all times. To do this, you can place a towel soaked in water on top and spray it periodically with a spray bottle. When young shoots appear, the towel can be removed. Store the seeds in a warm, bright place away from direct sunlight.

The fertilized water should be renewed every 15 days. In total, you will do this 3 to 4 times, depending on how many times you manage to harvest fresh coriander at home.