
Put a sock on a hanger: what you get a few seconds later

By Lesia

Dirt lurks everywhere in the house, especially in hidden corners where we can’t reach but where it accumulates perfectly and without problems.

Socks hanger
Socks in the hanger remove dust – Imilanesi.nanopress.it
In areas that are difficult to reach with a broom, vacuum cleaner or hands, germs and bacteria proliferate in the house but also various types of material that accumulate over time and lead to an environment that is not at all healthy. However, it is physically impossible to continuously move the furniture in the house to thoroughly clean every corner, so here we have found an infallible method.

Dirt lurks everywhere
Whether you are a regular cleaner of the house or a person who does it regularly leaving a few days to pass between one session and another, the rooms will still remain a little dirty. Do you know why?

It’s very simple: despite the effort to thoroughly clean and sanitize every room and surface, there will always be hidden corners that are physically impossible to reach with either a broom or your hand. Take for example the small cracks under low furniture, or those between a large wardrobe and the wall behind it.

Do you think that since they are small spaces nothing can nest? This is not the case at all, in fact precisely because these spaces are difficult to reach, they are the perfect place for germs, bacteria and various types of material that proliferate undisturbed compromising the healthiness of our home.

House dust cleaning – Imilanesi.nanopress.it
What may seem clean therefore, to a more careful eye will appear dirty and neglected. Don’t worry, there is a simple remedy to reach the most hidden cracks and clean what escapes the eyes.

The foolproof method
As usual, the solution comes to us from the web, where there are several videos that show interesting and economical home tricks.

Thoroughly cleaning each room is very simple and to do so you just need a hanger. Then take two short socks, the kind that women use instead of classic socks. The material of these elements is perfect because with its electrostatic effect, it captures dust.

Then, by inserting the socks into the two ends of the hanger – which must be very thin to be able to insinuate itself into the thin areas that we are going to treat – we can pass it where we usually cannot clean.

We will see how the dirt remains attached to the socks without dispersing during cleaning operations. Clearly it is good practice to clean the socks when they get too full, and then pass further both in the same points and in others. This method obviously can also be applied in other parts of the home.

In fact, using the hanger is also useful for example to clean more accessible surfaces but which are still subject to the accumulation of dust, think of bedside tables, bookcases, shelves, the television screen and so on.