
Which object in the bathroom favors the appearance of mold?

By Lesia

However, if we usually manage to detect it in specific damp places to track it carefully, many people are unaware that it can proliferate in completely unexpected elements. There is precisely one object in your bathroom that is a very favorable terrain for these colonies of microscopic fungi. And it can quickly become dangerous for your health. One thing is certain, you will be very surprised to learn it!

Brushing your teeth morning, noon and night is a daily ritual. Oral hygiene is essential to preserve your teeth and your beautiful smile. But are you used to drying your toothbrush well? I’m not sure. Instead, we tend to use it and immediately put it back in the bowl. Still very wet, it necessarily promotes mold growth. The problem is most noticeable on electric models. Here are some ways to protect your teeth and prevent mold.

Electric toothbrush
Electric toothbrush – Source: spm

The electric toothbrush, an unsuspected source of mold
You should know that toothbrushes, whether manual or electric, can become moldy. Electric models are more so because they are equipped with a rechargeable base, which remains an ideal place for mold to grow. It is therefore better to avoid brushing your teeth with a brush invaded by disgusting fungi. Honestly, just thinking about it makes us feel very uncomfortable with the idea. And it is very legitimate!

However, no one is immune to this problem, especially if you neglect the maintenance of your toothbrush. To avoid having your mouth full of fungus, but also your hands, you must pay special attention to your electric toothbrush. Not to mention that it is hidden in a corner of the bathroom, one of the most humid rooms in the house. In other words, surely the favorite place for mold!

Cleaning an electric toothbrush
-Cleaning an electric toothbrush – Source: spm

How to prevent mold from growing on your electric toothbrush?
To prevent mold from growing on your electric toothbrush, you must first remove the components that spores need to live and proliferate. As a reminder, spores are particles that move in the air and that promote the proliferation of mold. The latter are a much greater nuisance to health, causing a series of ailments, such as allergies. It is therefore essential to hunt down as much as possible the microscopic particles themselves so that molds do not reproduce excessively.

The following steps will help you solve the problem and ensure that you do not use a moldy toothbrush.

Rinse your electric toothbrush thoroughly after each use
The goal here is to get rid of as many particles attached to the brush as possible. Take a minute or two for this rinse, so that you do not leave any “food” source that can stimulate mold growth. The longer you leave some particles lying around, the more they will serve as an excellent buffet for spores roaming through the air.

Shake your brush after rinsing it thoroughly.
After a good rinse, tap the brush a few times against the edge of the sink to remove as much water as possible. Then take a cloth and wipe it thoroughly. Really try to get as much water out of the brush head as possible to prevent water from reaching the base. Tell yourself that the wetter it stays, the more mold it will attract.

Store it in a suitable place
You may not know it, but the location of your toothbrush should not be chosen at random. It should be stored in a specific place, far enough away from the toilet (to prevent droplets from the cistern from sticking to it and ending up in your mouth!) and with good air circulation.

Clean it thoroughly once a week.
Like any household item, your toothbrush also deserves proper care and a deep cleaning from time to time. To clean it thoroughly, remove the head and immerse it in a bowl of boiling water for a few minutes. Once the water is warm, you can pour a tablespoon of white vinegar on it. Let it soak in this solution overnight. It will then be perfectly clean and disinfected. Before using it, you can simply rinse it with cold water.

NB: This is a perfect tip for mold prevention. Keep in mind that white vinegar is a perfect descaler that helps extract all the particles stuck to the surface of the toothbrush. As an added bonus, this natural product also has anti-fungal and antibacterial properties. Plus, to kill more bacteria, you can also immerse your toothbrush in water.