
Don’t Throw Away Burned Out LED Bulbs! Here’s How to Fix Them in Minutes to Make Them Look Like New

By Lesia

LED bulbs have invaded the lighting market for a few years now, especially with an ever-rising energy bill. They are cheaper, last longer, consume less energy, and require less maintenance. However, it happens that you come across a defective LED bulb or one with a shorter lifespan.

Find out how to restore your LED bulb without reaching into your wallet.

How to repair an LED bulb?
LED bulb repair
LED bulb repair – Source: spm

When your LED bulb stops working, don’t panic. All you need is a soldering iron and a piece of wire to fix it in minutes. To do this, unscrew the top of the bulb to locate the burnt out LED that is causing the circuit to break. Keep in mind that there may be several damaged LEDs. Then take a file and very gently lift this diode. Melt a piece of copper wire or tin by soldering it to the spot where the diode is faulty. Once this is done, the bulb will work again and light up.

Be careful, it is necessary to have some knowledge of soldering to undertake such a repair, even if this type of manipulation remains relatively simple.

Why choose an LED bulb?
Unlike the traditional bulb, the LED bulb has many advantages. Here are some:

Changing an LED bulb
Changing an LED bulb – Source: spm

The LED bulb consumes less energy
The LED lamp consumes about 50% less electricity than its conventional sisters, which allows you to considerably reduce your energy bill every month, especially when certain rooms require constant lighting. In addition, LED bulbs illuminate in a specific direction, which avoids wasting light and therefore energy.

The LED bulb lasts longer
Unlike traditional lighting, such as incandescent, the diodes that make up the LED bulb do not fail as quickly, they simply deteriorate over time. When you buy a good quality LED bulb, its lifespan is 30,000 to 50,000 hours, or even more depending on the model. While a conventional bulb only lasts about 10,000 hours, at most. If you occupy a space that requires several bulbs, the maintenance cost is reduced with LED bulbs.

Decorative LED bulbs
Decorative LED bulbs – Source: spm

The LED bulb is more resistant.
LED bulbs are not made of glass or filament, so they resist better than conventional bulbs that are coated with glass or quartz and can deteriorate more easily. However, there is always the risk of direct discharge with LED bulbs, because they are mounted on a circuit board connected to soldered wires, in the same way as mobile phones, for example.

The LED bulb can be controlled
LEDs have a device that allows them to have a variable intensity, i.e. dimmable LED bulbs. Their main feature is that they adapt to the lighting needs required by each of our activities. Therefore, it is an excellent way to enjoy lighting that meets your desires and needs while limiting your energy consumption.

Therefore, LED bulbs have many advantages over typical, traditional bulbs. It is also very easy to repair LED bulbs when they have a defect or break down.