
The Surprising Use Of Plastic Bottles To Safeguard Trees

By Lesia

It’s a common sight in gardens filled with trees: plastic bottles hanging from branches. But what’s the purpose behind this practice? That’s precisely what we’re about to reveal in this article. Here’s the full scoop.

Many aspire to have their own outdoor space to grow vegetables or fruit trees, whether it’s a sprawling garden or a balcony adorned with potted plants.

Maintaining a thriving garden or orchard involves following specific care routines. Some trees, for example, thrive under abundant sunlight but are vulnerable to temperature fluctuations. Lemon trees, for example, need sunlight and regular watering, but it’s critical not to overwater them to avoid root damage. Well-draining soil, along with a proper fertilization regime, is therefore imperative.

However, this article is not just about standard tree care. We are here to shed light on an ingenious method to protect fruit trees from certain threats. So, what is the problem with those plastic bottles? Let’s dive into the details.

Hang plastic bottles on trees. Here’s why:

Our beloved fruit trees often face threats from various natural elements, particularly insects. To combat it, some resort to placing natural traps on the branches to eradicate pesky insects that could endanger the health of the trees.

In this regard, plastic bottles play a pivotal role. By filling them with a sugary solution, you can effectively trap insects and parasites that pose a risk to the growth of the trees. Simply hang the bottles in strategic locations and you will witness tangible results in no time.

However, there is more to the story than just insect control. Plastic bottles serve another remarkable purpose when hung on trees. So, why do people resort to this method? Let’s discover this clever trick to protect trees from specific threats during certain times of the year.

The life-saving trick for your fruit trees:

Earlier we discussed how lemon plants thrive in specific weather conditions and detest excessively low temperatures. This holds true not only for lemon trees but for all citrus varieties. But how exactly do plastic bottles come into play? Get ready for the shocking revelation.

Spring and summer are the best seasons for lemon and citrus plants, and they enjoy warm temperatures during the day and mild nights. However, winter poses a challenge, with the risk of temperature drops and frost.

To mitigate this risk, hanging plastic bottles filled with water on tree branches can do wonders. Water efficiently absorbs sunlight during the day and releases it at night, providing crucial heat and humidity that protect plants from frost and extreme conditions.

Additionally, it is advisable to cover the plants with sheets on freezing winter nights for added protection. By employing these strategies, you can ensure the well-being of your citrus plants during inclement weather, allowing them to thrive in the spring.
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