
Geraniums, Don’t Water Them Like That: You Make Them Rot! Discover The Gardeners’ Trick For A Superb Flowering!

By Lilias

Geraniums, with their vibrant colors and delicate fragrance, are a staple in many gardens. However, many inexperienced gardeners make the mistake of watering them incorrectly, which can lead to rot and poor blooms. In this article, we’ll share the gardener’s trick to getting your geraniums to bloom super-fast while avoiding common watering mistakes.

1. Geraniums in Brief

Before we dive into the art of watering geraniums, it’s important to understand this popular plant. Geraniums are known for their vibrant flowers in a range of colors, including red, pink, white, and purple. They are easy to care for and thrive in pots, planters, or in the ground. To ensure their health and abundant blooms, proper watering is essential.

2. Why Watering Geraniums is Crucial

Water is essential for the survival of all plants, but geraniums are particularly susceptible to improper water management. Watering mistakes are one of the main reasons why these plants fail to bloom properly. Here are the top mistakes gardeners make when watering their geraniums:

  1. Overwatering : Many gardeners believe that giving their geraniums more water will help them grow faster. However, too much water can saturate the soil and cause root rot.
  2. Underwatering : Conversely, underwatering can cause geraniums to dry out, causing them to wilt and lose their leaves.
  3. Watering on leaves : Water droplets left on geranium leaves after watering can cause sunburn.
  4. Watering at any time of the day : It is best to water in the morning or at the end of the day to allow the plants to better absorb the water.

3. Gardeners’ Tip for Super Blooms

The key to super blooming geraniums is a perfect balance of moisture and drainage. Experienced gardeners recommend following these steps to achieve healthy geraniums:

  1. Choose the right pot or location : Choose a well-drained pot or location to prevent water from stagnating around the roots.
  2. Use quality potting soil : Geraniums thrive in well-aerated soil that promotes drainage.
  3. Water sparingly : Wait until the soil is dry about 2 to 3 centimeters deep before watering again. You can test the soil moisture by sticking a finger into the soil.
  4. Avoid watering the leaves : Water directly at the base of the plant to avoid sunscald and disease.
  5. Use a balanced fertilizer : Feed your geraniums a balanced fertilizer, specially designed for flowering plants, to encourage abundant blooms.
  6. Prune regularly : Remove spent flowers and dead leaves to encourage continued growth of new flowers.

Conclusion Geraniums are beautiful plants that will brighten up your garden or living space. However, watering plays a crucial role in their health and blooming. By avoiding common watering mistakes and following the advice of experienced gardeners, you can enjoy a super bloom of vibrant and healthy geraniums. Take care of your geraniums, and they will thank you with an explosion of color all season long.