
Put a handful of them behind your front door: this common problem will be gone

By Lesia

Just walk behind your front door and one of the most common problems will disappear in an instant. What is this ingredient?

handful of cloves
Are you looking for a natural repellent to keep away a common and annoying problem? This is a DIY solution based on vodka and cloves. Here’s how to make a simple repellent with these ingredients to place behind your front door.

Natural repellent to place behind the front door
To make this repellent, you will need two main ingredients: vodka and cloves. The vodka will act as a solvent to extract the repellent properties of the cloves. Start by filling a small container, such as a glass or a cup, with vodka. Make sure to fill it enough to completely cover the cloves.

Next, take a few cloves and dip them in the vodka. Use enough cloves to completely cover the surface of the vodka. Let the cloves steep in the vodka for 24-48 hours. During this time, the vodka will extract the essential oils from the cloves, creating a repellent solution.

After the infusion time, you can place the repellent solution near doors and windows, where silverfish tend to enter. If you prefer a more targeted application, you can use a funnel to pour the solution into a small spray bottle. Spray or drop a few drops of the solution in strategic places, such as windowsills, cracks, or other areas where silverfish might find an entry point.

How is this solution used?
Cloves have natural repellent properties that can keep silverfish away. Silverfish cannot stand the smell of cloves and will tend to avoid areas treated with the repellent solution.

It is important to note that the repellent solution may require a few repeat applications to maintain its effectiveness over time. Over time, clove essential oils may evaporate or become diluted, reducing the repellent effect. It is therefore recommended to refresh the solution every two to three weeks, or as needed, to ensure that it is still effective.

This DIY vodka and clove repellent works as a preventative measure. This is not a solution for an existing silverfish infestation. For more serious problems, you may need to consult a professional pest control expert. Experts also recommend adding lemon to strengthen the formula.

Backdoor Remedy
Making a DIY vodka and clove repellent can help you keep those pesky silverfish away from your home naturally. Remember to follow the instructions provided, soaking the cloves in vodka for an appropriate amount of time before using the solution.

Place or spray the solution near doors and windows, where silverfish tend to enter. Refresh the solution periodically to maintain its effectiveness. With this DIY repellent, you can enjoy a more peaceful and silverfish-free home environment.