
Why does Zamioculcas turn yellow? Tips for saving the plant

By Lesia

Zamioculcas is a perennial herbaceous plant from the Araceae family. Its characteristic features are fleshy petioles that narrow towards the tip and elongated, leathery and green leaves.

Why does Zamioculcas turn yellow?

Zamioculcas turns yellow when it is not cared for properly. This particularly concerns watering and location. The discoloration of the leaves can also be caused by pests.


Watering Zamioculcas too often and abundantly can cause yellowing and even death of the leaves. These plants only need water when the soil is dry. They should also be planted in well-drained soil with drainage holes.


Another reason for yellowing of Zamioculcas leaves is the appearance of pests such as aphids, spider mites, root nematodes and mealybugs. These are only noticeable upon close inspection of the upper and lower surfaces of the leaves.

Sun exposure

Another cause of yellowing of Zamioculcas leaves is placing the plant in a sunny location with direct access to sunlight. The sun exposure can burn the leaves and discolor them.

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How to save Zamioculcas?

If too much watering is suspected as the cause of yellowing of the leaves, one should give the soil time to dry. If the soil is too wet, the plant should be repotted in dry and fresh soil, removing rotten roots and plant parts with a pair of garden shears.

If pests are discovered on Zamioculcas, the first step is to isolate the plant from other houseplants. Then, treat it, either with natural sprays made from homemade products or by purchasing chemical agents from a gardening store.

If Zamioculcas is in a hot and sunny place, it should be immediately moved to a more shady location, as the plant prefers shady or slightly lit locations.

Should the leaves of Zamioculcas be cut off if they turn yellow?

Yellowed leaves of Zamioculcas will not regain their intense green color, so they should be cut off with clean and sharp garden shears or scissors. This procedure will improve the appearance of the plant and strengthen its health.

When cutting the leaves, care should be taken to wear protective gloves, as Zamioculcas can irritate the skin.