
Boiling Walnuts: The Brilliant Trick Nobody Knows

By Lesia

Some people buy walnuts already shelled, while others prefer to buy them in their original format, with their shells, and then shell them themselves. If you are one of the latter, but you still have trouble removing the shells from the walnuts, you are in the right place. Here, we will explain not one, but three different ways to peel walnuts quickly and easily, so that it does not cost you any effort. Fortunately, there are some interesting tricks to use; and once you have tried one, we assure you that you will not be able to do without it.

Boiling Walnuts: The Trick You Absolutely Must Know. Nobody knows it!
Walnuts are among the most nutritious nuts in the world and their consumption is highly recommended by nutritionists, as they offer numerous health benefits. Their consumption provides us with a good balance of essential fatty acids and is also an excellent source of fiber, an essential nutrient for the proper functioning of our digestive system. In addition, their consumption is also recommended due to the large amount of protein it contains. It has a high energy value of around 611 kilocalories per 100 grams of edible portion, but this is mainly due to the richness in good fats that are beneficial for the body.

As we have explained, there are two options for buying walnuts: buying them already opened or in the shell. Nutritionists, however, recommend the second option more, although they do not reject the first. But why? It’s simple, the shell protects important nutrients, such as omega-3, much better than those already shelled, which we find packaged in plastic bags. Despite this, you can also buy them already shelled for immediate consumption, because even if some of the essential nutrients may be lost, the nut remains a very healthy and very balanced food.

Shelling nuts effortlessly: here are 3 foolproof tips!
Peeling nuts effortlessly and in a few seconds is possible by choosing one of these 3 tips. Of course, most people use the traditional nutcracker method. A little force is enough and the nuts are shelled without problem. But in addition to this method, there are three others that you can use. Let’s discover them together!

In boiling water
To take advantage of this method, you must bring water to a boil in a saucepan and add the nuts. Once the boiling point is reached, wait a minute, turn off the heat and drain the nuts. Let them sit for a while to let them cool slightly, then crack them with a nutcracker. With this technique, the shell of the nuts will soften and you will be surprised how easy it is to peel the shell.

Instead of boiling water in a saucepan, to reduce the time even more, you can put the nuts in a container with water in the microwave, run it until the water boils. Once the nuts have cooled a little, you can peel them, either with your hands or with the help of a nutcracker.

Traditional oven
The last alternative to easily shell nuts is to use the oven. Preheat it to 180 ° C for a few minutes, then transfer the nuts to a baking tray and let them rest for at least 5 minutes. The shell of the nuts will harden slightly, making them very easy to shell later.