
Put Only 1 Tablespoon Of Aloe Vera: Everyone Will Want To Know What The Secret Is

By Lilias

Aloe Vera is a plant rich in benefits and properties, present in every home and not only for a purely aesthetic factor. In fact, it is a plant already known and appreciated by ancient populations for its gel and leaves. In short, a real container full of beautiful properties useful for well-being and care. But who takes care of it? A plant of this type requires little attention, but with a particular ingredient it can be even healthier and more beautiful.

1. Ingredient for Aloe Vera: Just one teaspoon is enough

Aloe Vera does not require much care, in fact it is often chosen by all those people who do not have a green thumb. There is one ingredient in particular that might suit you, as a food and also as a natural fertilizer.

Eggshells are often mentioned for plant maintenance, and it is a great way to recycle without throwing away or polluting the environment. Their composition is 90% calcium, a fundamental mineral for the construction and protection of the cell walls of all plants, Aloe in particular.

The shells, which would otherwise be thrown away, are actually natural fertilizers to be taken into account. They fight fungi, neutralize rot and nourish in depth, especially in cases of a well-defined calcium deficiency. In addition, they help to eliminate the acidity of the soil and release a particular aroma, so that insects or snails cannot attack the plant.

To use them best, eggshells should be used in powder form. In fact, you just have to wash and dry these shells and then put them in the blender. Once you have obtained the powder, you can place it around the plant and then water it well.

2. How to use eggshells for plants

In any case, eggshells can also be used in other ways. You can prepare tea with an eggshell by boiling 3 liters of water and then adding 20 eggshells. Let it sit overnight and then strain. A tea of ​​this type is able to give the plant everything it wants and what it lacks.

Or, you can also put them in the compost with coffee grounds. This mixture is a natural fertilizer rich in essential nutrients.

In most cases, Aloe Vera is not the only one that benefits from this essential natural nutrient. In fact, in most cases, this fertilizer can be used with other waste such as coffee grounds or onion or banana peels.

It is therefore important not to throw away these natural ingredients, finding their essential fertilizers and nutrients to make Aloe even more beautiful and healthy.