
Homemade Cream for White, Soft and Spot-Free Hands

By Lilias

Welcome Tips Homemade Cream for White, Soft and Spot-Free Hands

It is often said that our hands reflect the person we are inside. However, it is not easy to find the time to take care of them properly and all year round. Do you have dry and rough hands? Do you dream of smooth and soft hands? Used many times, your hands deserve much more attention than what we offer them on a daily basis. But how can you have soft hands? Thanks to our special routine and a little assiduity, nothing could be simpler! I will tell you easy homemade cream for whitening hands, softness and fairness.


  • Raw milk – 3 tablespoons
  • Aloe vera gel – 1 tablespoon
  • Almond oil – 1 tablespoon


  1. Take a small clean bowl.
  2. Add all the above ingredients.
  3. Mix all the ingredients very well to obtain a fine paste like cream.
  4. Store this cream in an airtight container and in the refrigerator.
  5. Your whitening hand cream is ready to use, it’s that simple!


  • The best time to use this cream is in the evening before going to bed.
  • Wash your hands with normal water and let them dry.
  • Apply this cream well to your hands.
  • Massage gently for 5 minutes so that the paste penetrates the skin.
  • Let it sit overnight.
  • In the morning, wash your hands with lukewarm water.
  • Use daily for one month, then twice a week.
  • You can use this cream on your feet, face or any other area of ​​the body.