
How to Make Your Plants Bloom Again? 4 Effective Secrets

By Lilias

Welcome Tips How to Make Your Plants Bloom Again? 4 Effective Secrets

Having plants at home gives a touch of cheerfulness and color, especially when they bloom. Unfortunately, in most cases, flowering only occurs once a year.

However, there are some simple tricks that allow us to make plants bloom all year round and in all seasons. Flowering depends on an infinite number of molecular reactions, which activate genes that in turn induce the development of the flower.

Below we list 4 tips to encourage plants to bloom.


Credit: femmeactuelle

Cooking water from vegetables, eggs… cool it and keep it to water your green plants! The minerals contained in eggshells or in cooked vegetables will effectively fertilize your leafy plants.

Be careful not to salt the vegetable water if you intend to fertilize your plants for a second use. And remember that the water from boiled potatoes has the opposite effect: it is in fact a simple, ecological and effective homemade weedkiller for small areas.


Credit: femmeactuelle

Leave a bottle of sparkling water open to release the gas before using it to water your houseplants. Its high magnesium content and low pH make it ideal for indoor plants.


Credit: mojerecepty

Eggshells can provide the soil with many minerals that strengthen plants. But that’s not all: they are appreciated in the vegetable garden to fight against ant invasions, as well as leek worms. Simply dry them well, then grind them finely, and spread everything at the foot of your plants, not hesitating to mix well with the surface soil if it is the mineral supply that you are looking for. Note that these shells are also known to repel gastropods.


Credit: buzzultra

This tip is great for not avoiding saturating the soil with excess moisture. Put a few ice cubes once a week. As the ice melts, it will hydrate the soil, giving it time to absorb moisture and protect the plant from excess water.

This type of watering is perfect for climbing plants and orchids, which tend to die from excess moisture.

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