
How to remove wrinkles from clothes without ironing?

By Lesia

1- Wrinkle-free clothes: By adding this ingredient to the washing machine, your clothes will come out wrinkle-free and you won’t need to iron them. The iron is one of the most hated household appliances, especially in summer.
2- Problem with ironing: Although doing laundry is not complicated, ironing can be a tedious and stressful task. Many people find ironing boring and time-consuming.
3- Chemical alternatives: There are commercial products to reduce wrinkles, but they often contain chemical ingredients that don’t always offer the best results.
The natural solution:
1- Magic ingredient: To avoid ironing, you can use a natural ingredient you have at home: white sugar. This ingredient not only sweetens food, but also softens and smoothes clothes during washing.

  • How to use sugar:
  1. Preparation: Fill the fabric softener compartment of the washing machine with white sugar.
  2. Wash: Add the delicate detergent to the appropriate compartment.
  3. Process: Start the wash cycle. When finished, remove the clothes from the drum.
  • Result: The clothes will come out clean, fragrant and wrinkle-free. So you can forget about the iron and enjoy your free time. Great news for those who hate ironing.