
Bed bugs, the place where they love to hide: no one checks it

By Lilias

Bed bugs are ectoparasitic insects that can easily infest the bedroom: how to prevent it.

Cleaning your environment is an essential aspect when you live somewhere, regardless of whether it is your home or workplace. You can never fail to take some fundamental measures, such as  cleaning and disinfecting every corner of the apartment  to live and work in a healthy environment and not run the risk of encountering infestations of various kinds.

A particular attention must be paid to the room where you sleep, or the  bedroom.  A warning that applies not only to private homes: it is certainly no coincidence that the quality of an accommodation establishment is based above all on the  complete cleanliness of the beds  , which must always be comfortable, hygienic and safe for each guest.

Bed bugs: what they are and where they hide

But what are the biggest dangers for beds? Surely the main concern is the one related to  bed bugs,  which create major headaches like cockroaches and other insects. But what exactly are bed bugs?

These are essentially  ectoparasites  , which can find ‘home’ in domestic and wild animals, but in some cases also in humans. The bedbug, easily recognizable by the brown colour going towards red, settles mainly in cracks  :  it is therefore easy to identify bedbugs on  door rules  , but also on  furniture  , on  electrical sockets  and in many other places. . As they are very small, bedbugs manage to infest the bedroom very easily, very quickly becoming a serious problem to be solved.

But how do bed bugs work? The (painless) bite of these ectoparasitic insects  usually occurs on the face  , especially around the eyes. In this way, bed bugs are able to feed, in fact, without our knowledge: however, when we wake up  we will easily notice the skin irritated  by the bed bug bite, precisely because of the enzymes in its saliva.

Bed bug infestation? A complete disinfestation is required

Very often, when we notice the presence of bed bugs, it is already too late: the ectoparasitic insects have already taken over. This is why in these cases it is always  better not to try to solve the problem on your own  , as the risk is to further complicate the situation. On the contrary, a good idea is to contact a company that deals specifically with bed bug disinfestation.

The companies called to intervene in the event of an infestation by these ectoparasitic insects  go to inspect all the places  where bedbugs could hide, such as furniture,  paintings  , electrical outlets, etc. In this way we try to block the action of the bedbug before it lays its eggs in the beds, creating enormous damage.

Mattresses and beds are the places where these insects most frequently spread, but they are not the only ones: it is therefore necessary to turn to experts in the sector, who will take care of the disinfestation with very effective equipment and will also install  special traps  to  catch  the ectoparasites and keep their proliferation under control.