
DIY crystals for the vacuum cleaner, never had a house so fragrant: how to make them

By Lilias

There is a natural trick that allows you to perfume your home: DIY crystals for the vacuum cleaner. Here’s what it’s all about.

Vacuuming is a  daily gesture that we all do, perhaps even more  than  once a day. It may seem strange, but today it is possible  to perfume the house  by releasing pleasant fragrances into the environment, just  as you vacuum  . 

How it works

This  two-in-one effect  can be achieved by introducing  special perfumers  inside the   vacuum cleaner bag. Many people use  artificial perfumers  ,  whether  liquid, stick or compact  . However, like all  synthetic substances  , these perfumes are not always  healthy  and can sometimes be  harmful to health  . However, there are  natural alternatives  : let’s see how to create  scented crystals  to put in the  vacuum cleaner  . 

What do you need to make DIY crystals for your vacuum cleaner?

Making  natural crystals  to  scent your home  by vacuuming is very simple. To do this, we need cheap  and  easily accessible  ingredients   , which are usually found in all kitchens. Specifically, we will need: 2 tablespoons of  coarse salt  , half a teaspoon of  bicarbonate  and 1 teaspoon of the  essential oil  of our choice.

Why exactly these  ingredients  ? First of all,  coarse salt  is an excellent helper when it comes to  retaining odors  , in our case the  unpleasant ones  inside the  vacuum cleaner  caused by what  we inhale  . In addition, always due to the same  property  ,  salt  will absorb the aroma of the  essential oil  and help to  spread it  perfectly.

What about  baking soda  ? We don’t need large amounts, but the little baking soda that goes into the  vacuum cleaner  prevents  bad odors from building up in the  bag.

Essential oil is   obviously the  fundamental ingredient  of this  natural recipe  : it is precisely the element that determines the  smell  that we will release in the house  when we inhale it  . And then, we can have fun choosing  the one we like best.  However, before  using any  essential oil  , it is important to check if  there are any allergies or hypersensitivity  .  In addition, the quantities  must always be dosed according to the  manufacturer’s instructions  . 

How to make your own crystals for your vacuum cleaner

Once you have set aside everything  you need  , preparing the  crystals  is very simple. We will need a  bowl  , to which we add the  salt  and the  drops of essential oil  . Once this is done,  we are going to mix  for a few minutes. The goal is to make the  drops of essential oil  absorb  into the salt, so that it also absorbs the  fragrance  .

At this point,  we add the  baking soda  to our mixture.  We mix  everything again and the game is ready. Now all that remains is  to introduce our natural crystals  into the  vacuum cleaner bag  . It is important to be careful to insert them  manually into  the bag: the crystals  must not be sucked up  . If this were the case, in fact, there would be a risk of  blocking the vacuum cleaner  .

Once our  natural air fresheners have been placed  , all you have to do is  vacuum  the entire house to release the  pleasant aroma  that we have chosen into the environment. 


If for any reason  you cannot make  the crystals we have described, there are  alternative ways  to achieve  the same scented effect  . For example, you could use  bay leaves  .  Chopped up and placed in a  vacuum cleaner bag, the leaves of this plant will give a feeling of  freshness  to the whole house.

The same can be done with  dried citrus peels  , for a  fruity effect  . Again, to  scent your home  in a really basic way, just  suck on a spoonful of talcum powder  . Finally, instead of  citrus and bay leaves, you can put  sprigs of lavender  or  small pieces of flowers  in the vacuum cleaner bag. The  scent  is guaranteed!