
No more bad smells from towels, the natural remedy to get rid of them immediately

By Lilias

It often happens that after washing them in the washing machine, the towels still smell  . A bad smell that you don’t know how to get rid of and using them like this is not the best thing since they are for use on the face and hands. But how do you have to go about getting scented towels then?

The first thing to check is probably the washing machine  . Like all household appliances, it requires maintenance and, as it is in contact with water, the possibility of limescale deposits forming is very high. In fact, the washing machine should be cleaned every month by performing an empty wash and then all parts should be wiped with a cloth.

But the problem cannot be just a badly cleaned washing machine  . In fact, there are other causes that can lead to towels with bad smells and in order for them to always be scented, it is necessary to follow some precautions that we will see below.

Scented towels like this: keep bad odors away

As we have said, you can understand that towels may still smell bad after washing. However, let’s start by saying that to avoid this,  it is very important to change towels frequently  . In fact, they should be changed about twice a week for optimal hygiene.

Towels are subject to water and therefore also to the possible growth of germs and bacteria. Precisely for this reason, when they are placed in the laundry basket, they should first be air dried. They  should never be placed damp in the basket as this can be one of the reasons why towels smell bad after washing  .

Another cause of bad smells is not opening the washing machine door right after finishing the wash.  This practice is often taken lightly but is actually essential because a humid environment is created inside the drum of the washing machine which also in this case encourages the proliferation of bacteria.

Drying towels can also cause bad smells  . In fact, you should not leave them outside for too long because they can absorb moisture after drying, nor should you leave them inside the house when it is completely closed. So you have to find the right temperature.

Then, the amount of detergent used also affects bad smells. Often, too much is used without knowing that it is not good at all. In fact, both detergent and fabric softener should be used as suggested on the package and one should not exceed it because this will only cause the opposite effect, i.e. bad smells.

To perfume them even more, you can also use Marseille soap  . It is present in almost every home and you can use it as a fabric softener. It will leave an intense aroma in your laundry and will not contaminate. Follow all the tips and you will have very fragrant towels.