
Schnitzel strips in mustard cream sauce, the whole family loves it

By Lilias

4 pork schnitzels (170 g each)
4 tbsp oil
2 tbsp sweet paprika
120 ml white wine
220 g basmati rice
Salt, pepper and nutmeg
2 – 3 onions
230 g whipped cream
1 tbsp mustard
1.First cook the rice in boiling salted water according to the instructions on the packet. Peel the onions, halve them and cut into strips. Pat the meat dry and cut into strips.
Heat 2 tbsp oil in a pan. Fry the meat vigorously, turning it over. Now season with salt, pepper and nutmeg, remove from the pan
Heat 1 tbsp oil in the frying fat. Fry the onion strips in it for about 3 minutes, sprinkle with paprika and stir well.
3.At night, pour in the wine and simmer everything for about 7 minutes. Mix the cream and mustard, add to the pan and simmer for 3-4 minutes.

  1. Now season the sauce with salt and pepper. Then add the meat and heat it up again in the sauce. Arrange the schnitzel strips. Serve with rice. Salad tastes good with it.
    So my dears, if you like the recipe please leave a comment!