
Pouring vinegar over orange zest solves one of the biggest household problems

By Lilias

Making our own homemade cleaner with orange peel is an excellent way to save money and use waste, especially if combined with white vinegar . It becomes an incredible and ecological formula, very powerful for cleaning the home.

We know that orange peels eliminate bad odors and their cleaning power is multiplied tenfold with white vinegar , the great ally of the home.Pour vinegar over orange zest

Let’s get straight to the recipe for this powerful cleaning formula:


White vinegar and orange zest cleaning recipe

To prepare this homemade cleaner you need the following:

We will need:

  • 4 cups of white vinegar
  • c/n of orange peels
  • 1 glass jar
  • 1 spray bottle
  • Essential oil of your choice (eucalyptus, mint, lavender, rosemary, etc.)

Procedure, step by step:

  1. First, we put the orange peels into pieces and place them in a jar.
  2. Then, we take it directly to the refrigerator and keep it there until we fill the jar well.
  3. We can also add a few drops of essential oil and close the bottle.
  4. When we finally fill the jar, we remove it from the refrigerator and pour in the white vinegar.
  5. We will keep it for two weeks, when we open the jar, we filter out the orange peels and transfer the contents to an airtight container.
  6. Now we have everything ready, we just need to pour an equal part of water and the same part of orange citrus vinegar into a glass spray bottle.
  7. We now have our  vinegar cleaner with orange peel  ready to use wherever it is needed!

We recommend: 7 tricks with vinegar to wash your clothes and leave them sparkling

Where to use this powerful cleaner?

1- To scrub the floors:

Just diluting 1/4 cup of vinegar cleaner in 1 liter of water will be enough to clean the floors. If we are dealing with difficult stains, we can add more cleaner.

Finally, wipe with a fiber cloth to dry thoroughly and observe the results. Just be careful with wooden or marble floors because vinegar contains acetic acid, which could degrade the protective film.

2- Remove the carpets with the cleaner:

This homemade cleaner can help us a lot in cleaning carpets. How many times have we spilled wine or food remains on them? With this formula we can work miracles.

Simply spray the stained area on the carpet and let the solution penetrate and do its thing, for approximately 10 minutes. Then, with the help of a sponge, rub or scrub the stain and repeat as many times as necessary.

Finally, with a damp cloth and warm water, we rub and remove all the dirt.

3- To clean stainless steel kitchen surfaces:

We proceed to spray a little of the cleaner on the steel surfaces and remove everything with a cloth soaked in warm water. Finally, we can dry it with a dry cloth.

Remember, avoid using the cleaner on marble, quartz or granite, as it can alter the sealant due to the acidity of the vinegar.

4- To clean bathroom tiles:

As for the bathroom tiles, we cannot leave them unmaintained, otherwise they will be firmly fixed to the walls.

Spray the natural vinegar cleaner well on the tiles and let it work to break down the soap, mold and all dirt.

Finally, we remove everything with the help of a damp cloth.

Let’s apply all these tips and make the most of our orange peel vinegar cleaner!