
Eggshells, put them in the freezer: the grandparents’ trick that always works

By Lilias

Put eggshells in the freezer for white, stain-free clothes. Here’s how this old trick works.

The trend  to find  alternative uses  for parts of some  foods  that are usually considered “  waste  ”, such as  eggshells  , is becoming more and more widespread. However,  eggshells  can be used in  several ways  to  simplify  some  household tasks  at  no cost  . For example, if placed in  the freezer  , eggshells  are excellent  natural bleaches  , ideal for obtaining  white  , stain-free  clothes  We see why it works  and  how to do it. 

Why put eggshells in the freezer?

As we mentioned, putting  eggshells in the freezer  is useful for obtaining a  natural stain remover  for  your laundry  . But why does it work?  Eggshells  are primarily made of  calcium carbonate , an abrasive  substance   that can help  remove stains  from  fabrics  . When  eggs  freeze   , the contents  expand  and create  tiny cracks  on the surface of the  shell  .  These  fractures  , along with the  grainy texture , help act as a  natural abrasive  that can  remove stains  from clothing.

Additionally,  eggshells  also contain small amounts of  protein  , which can help dissolve   grease and oil  stains  When  frozen eggs  are placed in the  washing machine  inside a  sock  , the  combination  of the  grainy texture  and  the proteins  found in the eggshell  create  a powerful  natural cleaner  that helps  remove stains  from  delicate fabrics.

However, it is important to note that this  remedy  does not work for  all stains  and is not suitable for  all types of fabric  , so it is always best to be  careful  and  test  on a  small piece  of fabric before using this  method  to  remove stains  from your clothes. 

How to use eggshells as a natural stain remover

Before we begin, it is good  to remember  that it is necessary  to rinse eggs  well   before using them and  to wash your hands before  and  after touching the  shell  .  Also, eggshells  should not  be used  if you have  an allergy  or  hypersensitivity  .

That said  , we can start  by washing  the  eggshells.  After that, we put them in  the freezer  for about  an hour.  This way the  eggshells  will  harden  with the  effects  we described in the previous paragraph. After  an hour,  we can  take  the shells out of the  freezer  and place them in a  sock  or inside a  bag  , which we will place in the  drum of  the  washing machine along with the  clothes to be washed  .

Once   the  wash has started  , the  eggshells  will absorb the  stains  from the clothes,  whitening them  .

A sustainable choice

Using   frozen  eggshells as a natural bleach  is a  convenient  and sustainable option  . This  method  takes advantage of the   abrasive and  bleaching properties  of  calcium carbonate  present in  eggshells  , which acts gently  but  effectively  to  remove  tough stains  from fabrics.

Also, avoid using  industrial stain removers  that contain  chemicals that are harmful  to the  environment  and  human health  . In this way, you contribute to  reducing  the  environmental impact  and promoting a  sustainable lifestyle  .