

By Lesia

Characteristics of the Jade Tree:

  • Scientific Name: Crassula Ovata
  • Origin: Southern Africa
  • Main Features:
    1- Oval, shiny dark green leaves with red edges.
    2- Succulent tissues that retain water.
    3- White flowers with pink tones.
    Care and Cultivation:
  1. Irrigation:
  • Water only when the soil is dry.
  • Avoid excess water to prevent root rot.
  1. Fertilization:
  • Use natural compost at least once a month.
  1. Light:
  • Prefers places with bright but indirect light to avoid leaf burns from direct sun exposure.
  1. Temperature:
  • Place the plant in a cool place, especially during winter to promote healthy and vigorous flowering.
  1. Pests:
  • Watch out for pests such as mealybugs, red spider mites, and slugs, which are common on the jade tree.
    Additional Tips:
    1- This plant is ideal for both indoors and outdoors, reaching a height of up to one meter.
    2- Regular pruning helps maintain its round shape and ornamental features.
    3- Young plants may not flower; adult plants often produce spectacular flowers during the winter, especially after ten years of age.