
How to grow rosemary in endless water, it will take you very few minutes

By Lilias

Create endless rosemary plants by simply soaking the sprigs in water. Quick and easy method, here’s how to do it.

Rosemary is an   evergreen  plant from the Lamiaceae family known  for  its  intense aroma  and its ability to  survive  in  hot, arid climates  . In addition to this,  rosemary  is a   very versatile  ingredient in the kitchen  , used as an  aromatic herb  to season  meats, fish, potatoes  and many other  preparations.   If you want  to grow  your own  rosemary  at home, but you are not sure  how to do it  , it will help you to know that there is a simple and easy technique to follow.  This  technique  consists of  soaking rosemary sprigs in water  . The  method  we will illustrate allows you  to reproduce the plant  practically  indefinitely, without having to buy a  new plant  each time. Let’s see how it is done.

Growing rosemary in water: how to do it

The  procedure  is very  simple  : cut some  rosemary twigs  about  10 cm long  and immerse them in  jars filled with water.  Make sure that the  twigs  are submerged about  5 cm in water . It is important to  change   the  water every two or three days  , to prevent it from  stagnating  and encouraging the  formation of bacteria or fungi  .

After  a few days , you will notice that white roots  will begin to develop   from the  bottom  of the  twigs  . This process indicates that the  plant  is ready to be  transplanted into the ground  . To do this, simply take the  twigs and place them in fertile  ,  well-drained  soil  ,  exposing them to  direct sunlight  . Remember  to water  the plant  regularly  , but avoid  wetting the soil excessively  , so as not to compromise  root development. 

Because the method is effective.

But why does this  method  work  so well?  And why  is rosemary so  effective  for reproduction? It is a   very  resistant aromatic plant  and suitable for  hot and dry climates  . Thanks to this  nature  ,  rosemary twigs  can be  immersed in water  without risk  of rotting or deteriorating.  In addition,  immersing  the twigs in water creates  ideal conditions  for  root formation.

Water   provides the  moisture  needed by the plant, while the  nutrients  contained in the  soil are not yet  essential. This allows the  plant  to concentrate its  energies  on  forming roots,  without having to  nourish the leaves and stem at the same time.

In addition, this  technique of propagating  the  aromatic plant  in question is very  cheap and accessible to everyone.  You do not need to buy  seeds or seedlings  , just take some  rosemary sprigs  that you already have in  your home  or  garden  and  soak them in water.  In this way, it is possible to always have new plants of this type available  to  use  in  the  kitchen  or as   garden  decoration  .

Conclusions and advice

In conclusion,  soaking  rosemary twigs  in water is a  simple and effective method  for   plant  reproduction . This method of reproduction is not only economical and accessible,  but it also saves  time  compared to other  plant propagation techniques. In addition, it is a very rewarding  technique   , because it allows us  to see the plant grow  and  develop  from the root. And in addition, it allows us to always have  fresh rosemary  available  at  home.

However, remember that, like  any plant  ,  rosemary  requires  care and attention.  Once   the  twigs have been transplanted  into the ground, we must make sure to  water  the plant  regularly  . Obviously,  without exaggerating  , otherwise we could create  stagnant water  . In addition, it is important  to place  the plant in a  sunny place  ,  protected from the wind  .

Ultimately, dipping the  twigs in water  is an  easy and affordable method  for everyone to propagate the  plant  and always have this  fresh and fragrant  aromatic  plant available  .  Try this technique  yourself and enjoy the  beauty  and  aroma of rosemary  in your home!