
Goodbye to urine stains in the toilet, how to remove them quickly and naturally

By Lilias

We show you how to remove urine stains from the toilet with this simple and natural method, which we are sure you will always apply.

We reveal everything about this truly infallible remedy, which will help you get rid of  urine stains  forever.

Dirt in the toilet bowl, a common problem

The presence of  dirt  in the toilet bowl is a very common problem, which happens to anyone who manages a house. However, there are cleaner bathrooms and bathrooms that are much less so.

This depends on each person’s cleaning needs and the  tricks they put into practice to prevent their bathroom from getting excessively dirty.

One of the recommendations we would like to give you is to adjust the  power level  of your toilet flush. The more powerful it is, in fact, the easier it is to remove any residue from inside. However, it could also cause splashes, which could come out of the central part and go outwards.

Among the splashes, what later appear as  stubborn stains  of blood, feces and urine. To prevent them from being really stubborn, what we recommend is also to clean them as soon as they appear.

In fact, every time you use the  toilet, you should stop and look at the toilet bowl, to assess whether you are leaving it as intact as when you found it.  This simple gesture is essential both for a correct coexistence and to prevent stains from damaging the surface of our WC.

Cleaning the toilet with the  right products  is also essential. That’s why we’re showing you a recipe below that you can make yourself, which you can prepare as many times as you like. You can make it right at home, with products that you probably already have in your pantry.

It is a recipe that is part of an incredible method that will help you  remove urine stains from the toilet  and beyond.

How to remove urine stains from the toilet

If you really want to remove urine stains from the toilet bowl, you should get these  ingredients  , which you probably already have at home. We are talking about baking soda and citric acid, which will be mixed with water.

Mix the three ingredients until you obtain a  paste  to apply all over the toilet, especially where the urine stains are more embedded and stubborn.

Once you have applied the DIY paste, let it sit for  10 minutes  . This will activate its cleaning, disinfecting and sterilizing capabilities. Now you can proceed by passing a brush or abrasive sponge over the surface.

Start gently, then work harder if you notice that the urine stains do not disappear  easily  .

You can then rinse your utensils and dry them thoroughly. Remember that this method is really  cheap  and very effective and that is why you can repeat it at home as many times as you want.