
Why you should pour salt in the toilet? The trick to get rid of a big problem

By Lilias

For those who don’t know, some natural products are excellent alternatives to chemical substances. Being eco-friendly, they are not harmful to the environment or our health. The best thing is that they have powerful properties to effectively clean many surfaces in the home, from the kitchen to the bathroom. Some are so versatile that they are even useful for body care and many other surprising uses. Today we are going to see the unsuspected cleaning performance of an extremely popular ingredient in every home: salt.

Essential in the kitchen, this mineral is primarily intended to give flavour and taste to all our food. But not only that. It also makes fantastic skin scrubs and can even be used for certain hair rituals. Better still, salt is especially recommended to make certain household chores easier. What happens if you pour salt into the toilet bowl? You’ll be surprised to see that its action is just as convincing as if you had used traditional bleach. Quickly discover its amazing prowess!

Clean the bathrooms – Source: spm

Why should you pour salt into the toilet?

We all dream of having a bathroom that is always clean, shiny and fragrant. However, we are sometimes discouraged by the constant and excessive use of chemical products that risk damaging sanitary facilities and are still harmful to our health. That is why it is fashionable to occasionally exchange them for natural, ecological and economical products.

So, to get rid of the yellowish stains and lime deposits that plague your toilets, salt turns out to be a very timely ingredient. How to apply it? Pour about 100 g of coarse salt into the toilet bowl and sprinkle it on the rim of the toilet as well. Let it sit for about three hours, then rinse the entire area. It would even be better to leave the salt to work overnight. This way, its cleaning action will be much more effective. You will be amazed at the cleanliness!

You will even be so pleased with the result that salt will quickly become an integral part of your daily cleaning routine, in different areas of the house.

NOTE   : If you prefer, you can also use baking soda instead of salt. Its texture is similar as this natural product is revealed in the form of a white powder. And its properties are not far behind: this product is a perfect stain remover, limescale remover, deodorant and whitener.

Lemon and salt – Source: spm

Add lemon juice to the salt

Using salt in the toilet is especially effective when there are old pipes in the house and an unpleasant smell comes from them. However, it turns out that a mixture of lemon juice with salt acts as a real disinfectant that absorbs grease, removes moisture and neutralizes unpleasant odors. Moreover, by fusing a handful of salt with lemon juice, you will not only save pennies, but also get better results!

When toilets are too dirty and the pipes give off a bad smell, this solution is exactly what you will need to alleviate the problem: such cleaning should be done every day for a week. Then it is enough to pour a tablespoon of salt into the toilet bowl just once a month.

You can also pour salt down a clogged bathroom drain: put a handful of salt in a bowl of boiling water and spray the entire area thoroughly to dilute it. Please note: remember that salt, mixed with boiling water, cannot be poured onto tiles or porcelain items, as they do not tolerate high temperatures.

Cleaning a sink – Source: spm

Another trick with a natural ingredient: clean the kitchen sink with flour

It may seem absurd, but flour is also an excellent ally for cleaning the kitchen, especially the sink. Yes, we guarantee you, you have a hard time imagining that this floury texture, which we mainly use for cooking and baking, has any cleaning skills. We are going to show you that it has well-hidden assets!

  • Start with the normal cleaning of the sink, which is a repository of dust and dirt residue, especially after cooking something. Once thoroughly cleaned with a natural detergent, the sink should be dried thoroughly with a clean cloth. Make sure to remove every drop of water left on the surface of the sink.
  • Once it is dry, it is time to put the flour on top of the sink and rub it lightly with a dry cloth: the sink will initially look very ugly, but don’t worry. Immediately use a damp cloth to wipe off the excess flour. But above all, act with great caution not to spill any, as it can clog when it comes into contact with water.
  • Another important tip: don’t turn on the water tap, otherwise all the work you’ve just done will be useless. After wiping it with a damp cloth and picking up any flour residue, the sink will have a shine you never imagined. This method is particularly clever for completely removing stains and limescale that often remain on the surface of the sink.