
Before washing clothes, do not forget this often forgotten step: you will avoid unpleasant surprises

By Lilias

Do you think you know all the golden rules for success in the laundry? We don’t doubt your ability to wash clothes correctly, but some mistakes happen more often than you think. There are steps you shouldn’t overlook before washing your clothes, to ensure you find clean and shiny clothes, without the slightest mishap. Discover the solutions we offer, without further ado in this article!

The advent of electronic devices has allowed us to save a lot of time. Washing machines make laundry effortless. However, you are not immune to mishaps! Luckily, we are here to share with you some tips that will prevent you from damaging your clothes!  So, what are the mistakes to avoid before throwing your clothes in the washing machine?

How to wash clothes correctly by sorting them and without overloading the machine?

laundry basket 2

To be sure of finding  clean, burr-free, and nice-smelling clothes  , it is necessary to respect certain rules upstream.  Making a mess of your washing machine is never a good idea!  In addition to risking damaging your appliance, your clothes will undoubtedly remain unwashed. A bad smell will probably accompany your clothes and all your belongings will not be perfectly clean!  You must load your machine according to the weight mentioned and which must be respected!

Read also:  Laundry Detergent: What are the right amounts to use?

Why is it important to wash your things separately? Let us explain!

Before you start your machine, you should also first make sure  to separate the coloured clothes from the white clothes  . Although it is possible to use colour-catching wipes to avoid the problem, it is highly recommended to follow  the advice of our grandmothers  and sort your household linen and clothes before putting them in the washing machine. You will have an optimal result and there will be no risk of your clothes turning pink or blue without realising it.

It is also highly recommended  to separate delicate clothing from other less fragile materials  . Depending on the type of garment,  a wash cycle with a certain temperature is recommended.  By mixing all your clothes and washing all the materials together, you risk damaging your most precious clothes!

How to put your belongings in the washing machine and get a proper wash?

To avoid damaging your belongings, we have a good solution for you:  wash at the right temperature.
As a reminder, here are the washing rules to follow for each type of fabric:

– For  delicate items , sports items or even swimwear: limit yourself to 30°C.
–  For sheets, towels and cotton clothes and shirts  : You can choose to wash at  60°C.
– And finally, for  really dirty clothes  , tea towels and rough materials: You can go up to  90°C.  Don’t hesitate to add a little white vinegar  to your dirty clothes, they will come out even cleaner and free of bacteria!

What are the mistakes to avoid before starting a machine wash?

Look inside a washing machine

Before you fill your washing machine  and start washing, it is essential  to pay attention to the contents of your clothes’ pockets.  We all forget some items in our pockets by accident. It is absolutely necessary to remove them all, before turning on your washing machine, to avoid first damaging  the appliance  and then ending up with  damaged belongings  . But what kind of object can you forget in your pockets? While lighters or coins, left behind, can hit the appliance and  damage the washing machine’s drain pump filter,  other objects can also damage your clothes! Find out which ones below!

Why remove these items from your belongings before putting them directly into the container?

Before placing your clothes directly into the drum of the machine, you must check absolutely that none of the items of clothing contain any of the following objects:

– Tissue paper:  Considered one of the most common oversights, this paper will  crumble and cover all your clothes during washing.  You will then have to start all over again, thoroughly cleaning the drum of the machine and your clothes at the same time.  A totally useless waste of time!

– A pen:  Another item that can be forgotten and neglected! If you unfortunately do not check your clothes before putting them in the washing machine,  the ink from the pen can stain your fabrics  and you will be forced to throw it away.

Our solution to make sure you avoid this kind of inconvenience:  Automatically empty your pockets when you undress!

What are the optimal conditions for successful laundry?

Some stains are more stubborn than others. Despite machine washing, they persist and do not disappear easily. To remedy this, there is nothing better than using  a stain remover directly on the stains in question  , before putting the clothes in the drum of your washing machine. We have  the perfect natural ingredient  for you:  Marseille soap  .

Read also: Dirty kitchen towels? A handful of this product and they will be as good as new again.

Don’t hesitate to rub your stains with this natural cleaner, before starting your wash cycle as usual. Using this product instead of a chemical detergent, on difficult stains of grease, sauce, coffee or oil, will be more efficient, your clothes will wash more easily and you will be happy with the result!

You’ll understand, there’s no need to rush! It’s better to take your time and avoid these kinds of clumsiness than to think about saving a few minutes and end up with a partially or totally ruined wash!