
How and what to cure advanced toenail fungus?

By Lilias

Having settled on the skin, the fungus can seriously spoil the life of any person. Especially if we are talking about a fungus on the legs, be it feet or nails. This upsets girls first of all, since it is already impossible to make a beautiful pedicure in this case. Therefore, people often have a question about how to treat foot fungus,  Ukr.Media informs .

There are two ways of infection – direct and indirect.

The first way (directly):

  • Through plants and soil.
  • During contact with a sick animal or person.

The second way (indirectly):

  • Use of animal care items.
  • Use of items used by the sick man.

Manifestations and complications of foot fungus

This is a very serious disease that requires long-term responsible treatment. The fungus appears between the toes in the form of peeling, which is accompanied by itching and burning. After that, bubbles appear in the place of reddish folds. Over time, they burst, and this in turn creates large cracks and wounds. If treatment is not started, the fungus will spread to other healthy parts of the leg: feet, toes, nails. When the fungus gets into the nail plate, it begins to slowly destroy it from the inside. Then the fungus moves to the fingernails, and in some cases even to the internal organs.

The fungus on the legs is characterized by the type of infection, the degree and depth of the lesion. Dermatophytes located on the nail plate are accompanied by white stripes or yellow spots. On the hands, the spots are lighter, sometimes grayish.

Methods of treating advanced foot fungus

Effective treatment of toenail fungus depends on the treatment approach itself. The initiated stage of the fungus is the most dangerous and poorly amenable to treatment. However, there is a chance. For this, you need to follow all the recommendations, namely to use a whole complex of medicines. The following groups of drugs should be used in the treatment of fungus:

  • Ointments, drops, varnishes, gels, oils are local remedies.
  • Tablets are systemic means.
  • Mechanical removal.
  • Means for increasing immunity, as well as tonic drugs.

Means of local application for the treatment of fungus on the legs

The advanced stage of the fungus requires more serious treatment. The first thing you need to pay attention to is the clear periodicity of medication use. Do not take breaks during treatment. The fact is that this will help avoid the fungus getting used to the drug. If the disease acquires resistance to certain drugs, it will be much more difficult to cure it. Do not forget about a number of rules that unite all means:

  • Medicines should be applied only to a dry, clean and well-treated surface.
  • Any tool is used at least once a day, every day (for each drug, this number may be different).

Lacquers and ointments

How to treat toenail fungus with varnishes and ointments?

As mentioned earlier, you need to remove the damaged nail, as well as some healthy areas around it. Then the product is applied. If it is varnish, you need to make sure that it dries, and the ointment should be well absorbed. Ointment or cream is used twice a day, and varnish only 1-2 times a week. If necessary, the treated area is fixed with a patch.

There are a number of varnishes designed to better remove a damaged nail. Their task is to make the nail softer. But such means do not fight the disease.

Essential oils

How to cure toe fungus with oils? Natural components of oils that have a beneficial effect on the structure of the nail and its general condition. For medicinal purposes, you can use lavender oil, olive oil or tea tree oil. It is recommended to lubricate the sore areas at night, wearing woolen socks on your feet afterwards. Essential oils are known for their antiseptic properties and also nourish the nail well.


Antimycotics are used for additional surface treatment. These can be the following drugs:

  • Demicten.
  • Exoderil.
  • Clotrimazole.
  • Mykosan.
  • Miconazole.

No side effects are observed after their use. However, despite this, they are contraindicated for pregnant women, children, as well as lactating women.

The duration of treatment of the advanced stage is about a year.

Salicylic ointment will help get rid of foot fungus. It can be bought at any pharmacy at an affordable price. The ointment not only gets rid of the fungus, but also fights against excessive sweating of the feet, which, in turn, creates good conditions for further reproduction.

Application of “Exoderil”

The most popular remedy for fungus is “Exoderil” – a solution that is able to penetrate deeply into the nail plate, destroying fungal spores. The drug shows not only an antifungal effect, but also an antibacterial effect. After penetrating the nail, the solution is evenly distributed in it, destroying microorganisms, relieving inflammation and eliminating itching.

“Exoderil” will tell you how to get rid of toenail fungus and achieve the maximum effect.
The following treatment regimen was adopted:

  • The prepared solution is applied to the nail twice a day (morning and evening).
  • Before each application, it is necessary to make sure that the affected part of the nail is removed. It can be cut with scissors or cut with a saw.
  • The duration of treatment according to this method is 4-6 months, that is, until the nail becomes healthy and clean again.
  • After complete treatment, the drug is used for another month in order to prevent the recurrence of the disease.

When the foot is affected by fungus, in 50% of cases, the nails also begin to suffer over time. For this, it is recommended to use complex treatment. In the morning, apply the solution to the nail plate, and in the evening, use Exoderil foot cream. The solution fights nail fungus, and the ointment nourishes the affected skin.

Treatment of foot fungus with tablets

How to quickly cure the fungus on the legs with the help of systemic means?

Additional preparatory measures are not required during the treatment of advanced fungus. When taking drugs inside, it is recommended to refrain from drinking alcoholic beverages. The following tablets are prescribed for the treatment of foot fungus:

  • Itromycol
  • Orungal
  • Lamisil
  • Micozoral
  • Some drugs have  a strong effect on the liver , so Essensikaps or Karsil are prescribed.

This method of treatment is not suitable for children and pregnant women.

Removal of a nail damaged by fungus

Of course, not everyone will want to know how to cure advanced toenail fungus with the help of complete removal of the plate, but in some cases it is simply necessary. Sometimes this is the most effective way to keep nails healthy and clean. But to achieve a good result, you need to use a comprehensive approach. If the skin around the nail was infected, the fungus will soon spread to the newly grown nail again. A person can be a carrier of the disease. Spores can remain in skin folds for a long time.

In case of complete removal of the nail, systemic and local drugs should also be used.

Nails can be removed in several ways:

  • Surgically.  As a result, a person’s nail bed remains open, the ability to work is lost for a couple of days. This procedure is quite painful and is performed under local anesthesia.
  • Hardware pedicure is  also an unpleasant and painful method that involves the use of special devices in a specialized salon
  • At home  Before removal, it is necessary to steam the nail and cut it with pedicure tools. It will not be possible to completely remove the nail at home, so this method is the least effective.

Prevention of foot fungus

It’s good when you know how to treat foot fungus. But the best thing is not to encounter such a disease. For this, you need to follow the rules of personal hygiene:

The surface infected with the fungus must be constantly cleaned, several times a day.

  • Clean socks or tights should be worn every day.
  • Shoes also need to be constantly cleaned inside. Fungal spores can accumulate there during wearing. The fungus loves a moist
    environment. Therefore, shoes should be carefully treated with special sprays and dried well. In addition, a lot depends on the material. Uncomfortable shoes are wounds, feet sweat, and as a result, fungus appears. Do not wipe shoes with vinegar, as it destroys the material.
  • You can get infected with the fungus in any crowded place. The most popular are baths, swimming pools, saunas, and gyms. After finishing the workout, you need to take a shower and apply any anti-fungal ointment or cream.
  • You should also not use other people’s shoes.
  • Feet should always be clean and dry.
  • On very hot days, it is recommended to apply powder before putting shoes on your feet. In this way, you can avoid sweating, and in the future, the development of fungus.
  • On the beach there is also a high probability of getting a fungus, so it is better to wear shoes.
  • Use only your washcloth in the shower.

Proper treatment with drugs and following simple recommendations will help get rid of such an unpleasant disease
as fungus. And constant preventive procedures will protect against its occurrence and spread.