
Baking soda mixture to have a young and wrinkle-free face

By Lilias

Learn how to have a beautiful face free of imperfections just by using baking soda, a common element in the kitchen
Having a beautiful face is the dream of every woman, more than men, there is no doubt about that, we like to always look young with smooth and firm skin, free of imperfections, right? No woman can deny this.

Many times in the attempt to have a face like this, young and fresh, we undergo cosmetic treatments and they do not work for us, we only waste time and money, and facial creams, not to mention, may not work at all, at least not in a short period of time.
Without effective solutions, it is very common for us to falter and not want to try anything else and decide to undergo even cosmetic surgeries that only put us at risk, but there are other options that you should explore and they are natural remedies.
As you already know, there are many homemade recipes that you can use to improve the health of your skin and its appearance and today we will share with you one of the best that you should not miss trying, it is very effective and also does not require many ingredients.

Young skin with this recipe based on bicarbonate
As the years go by, the skin wears out, the body no longer has the same nutrients and that is why it looks much more opaque, lifeless and as if that were not enough, imperfections appear such as spots on the skin, and the so detestable wrinkles.
These imperfections can disappear only if we do our part for it, and this does not mean that you have to do a lot to achieve it, there are effective and homemade solutions that will give you the solution and today you will learn one of these.
It is a mask that is made at home and will give you surprising benefits that no other cream can give you.

Coconut oil

Baking soda
Preparation and use

For sensitive skin, add two measures of coconut oil with one of baking soda and if you want to exfoliate the skin, use one measure of each ingredient.
You just have to mix according to how we told you and apply on the face giving gentle massages with the tip of your fingers and let it act as a mask for about 10 minutes and then proceed to rinse with plenty of warm water and then apply cold water to close the pores and that’s it.