
10 benefits of burning laurel, which will change your energy and that of your home

By Lilias

Learn all the reasons that exist to burn laurel in your home, one of them is that it will help you eliminate anxiety
Our home is our temple, it is the place where we, after a very busy routine full of stress, can finally sit down to rest and relax, disconnect from all the stress of the day.

Many people in their homes have the tranquility they desire, however, many of them with the stress of work and home simply can’t take it anymore, it’s as if getting home absorbs them.
This is often about the well-known energies, simply the environment is heavy and we don’t know how to deal with them, but fortunately for us there is a plant that can help us with this problem, laurel.
Today in this post we will be talking to you about laurel and the many ways in which you can use it in your home, either by burning it or doing something else, but you should not stop trying it.

Total peace of mind with laurel
The laurel is one of the plants that many people use the most in the kitchen and these leaves give a peculiar flavor to our dishes, a flavor that many like and that is really very delicious.
In addition to this we can use these leaves for something else like what we will show you below:
Relaxing effect: Although taking a vacation would be ideal, we cannot do this all the time. With just the aroma of burnt laurel this can help us relax as if we were in a sauna. You have to leave the room while the laurel burns if you prefer.
Improves the immune system:

It contains antioxidant properties that when burning these leaves go out into the air and come off to nourish our body.

Reduce inflammation and pain: If you have tense muscles you can use burnt laurel to relieve that tension or you can even bathe with some infusion of laurel leaves.
Improves digestion: Seasoning your dishes with these leaves provides the body with fibers that favor good digestion and in addition to this, the skin is nourished with vitamins and minerals.
Natural bactericide: If you want to eliminate bacteria in the air and purify it, then burned bay leaves can help you eliminate different viruses, and even neutralize them.

Helps treat diabetes: Consuming 1 to 3 grams of bay leaves a day can help alleviate type 2 diabetes due to its multiple properties.

Puts us on alert: If we want to be more awake, pinene, cineole and la elimina will help us achieve this, and we will even concentrate much better.
Clears the respiratory tract: The steam from these leaves helps our respiratory tracts to decongest. You can do this by placing some leaves in a humidifier.
Helps meditation: If you need a climate to meditate, burn these leaves and the steam will undoubtedly help you.
Keep cockroaches away: If there are animals and insects like cockroaches and you want to avoid pesticides for the health of your family, then burn bay leaves and the smell will be more than enough to keep them away.

We hope we have helped you with this post.

Thank you for reading us.