
Boiling eggshells in a pot will save you a lot of money

By Lilias

Boiling eggshells instead of throwing them away will save you a lot of money. That’s why you should.

Eggs are a food we often consume. Have you ever thought about how many shells we throw? After discovering their usefulness, you will probably see them in a different light and they will no longer seem like waste material.

Eggs in the diet

Eggs are an essential food for a healthy and balanced diet.  They are a real source of nutrients , as they contain proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals. They are also rich in antioxidants, which help maintain the health of our eyes and brain.

complete food that happens to be a great way to get quality protein . A single egg provides about 6 grams of protein, which helps maintain muscle mass and meet nutritional needs. Proteins are important not only for muscles but also for the health of the immune system.

Eggs are also a good source of healthy fats, such as conjugated linoleic acid (CLA). This fatty acid has been linked to a number of benefits, including improved cardiovascular health.

Rich in a number of essential vitamins and minerals , such as vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin B12, iron, zinc and selenium,  you can safely consume up to 4 per week unless otherwise indicated by specialists . They lend themselves very well to different types of cooking, as well as to the preparation of many cold dishes or salads. Often in desserts, egg whites are very important, which are usually beaten until stiff. So-  called “white” eggs are also used in the aesthetic field . Indeed, there are many home solutions that involve the use of egg whites for skin or hair care. But today we see why we should not underestimate an element of eggs that we all tend to discard and which is very useful: the shells.

Boil eggshells, here’s why

A practice that many will surely adopt when preparing a hard-boiled egg. In this case, you put a whole egg in water, bring it to a boil and after ten minutes you take it out of the water.  The next step is to peel the eggs and usually the shells end up being thrown away . Actually, this part of the egg is really very useful, so we should keep them aside.
Boiling eggshells will turn them into  an excellent natural fertilizer for plants . They can help provide calcium and other useful nutrients to plants, which will serve to make them grow stronger and healthier. To recycle eggshells, it is essential to boil them.

If you haven’t already boiled the shells to cook a hard-boiled egg, do so in a pot. Once boiled,  the shells can be ground or chopped until a fine powder forms . This powder can then be added to the soil of the plants, mixing it well with the substrate.

If you want a more concentrated dose of calcium,  you can put boiled eggshells in a pot of water and boil them for another hour . This process will further reduce the shell into a finer powder.

Once the powder is ready, it can be added to the soil of the plants. Thanks to your new fertilizer, the  plants will grow more lush and pests will stay away . Considering the cost of suitable fertilizers for various types of plants and pesticides, boiling eggshells is undoubtedly a remedy that will save you money.