
Cockroaches in the house, coming out of the bathroom: how to make them disappear in less than 24 hours

By Lilias

When you discover that you have cockroaches in your home, you are left disgusted and terrified for days. Finding out where they come from and why is essential because it allows you to solve the problem once and for all. 

There may be very specific causes  underlying the infestation  , so once discovered you can finally feel at ease.

Cockroaches usually come out at night in the summer, during warm nights. When you least expect it, they come out of nowhere. There is nothing worse  than turning on the light and finding one on the wall,  standing, ready to run away, losing track of it in no time.

Everything you need to know about cockroaches.

Cockroaches are cockroaches with an  elongated and flattened body  , brownish in color, they have long antennae, thin and robust legs and hooks that allow them to climb with extreme agility on any surface.

They can be of different characteristics or sizes. Some are 3 to 4 cm long, others are larger, others are equipped with wings through which they move  in a few seconds  , others have none and therefore simply walk.

In any case, whatever type they are, they hide on balconies, in bathrooms, under stairs, in ravines and in basements because  they are hospitable places for them  . In many cases they even remain hidden under household appliances. The reason is mainly one: they produce heat while they are in operation.

They especially love sheltered, humid, warm, dark and sheltered environments  , but can obviously be found anywhere else, even inside cupboards or pantries thanks to their adaptable nature.

What attracts cockroaches?

Cockroaches are attracted to crumbs,  any leftovers, sweets, biscuits, in short, all sugary substances or jams, pasta, bread and finally meat.

As long as you find one from time to time, it’s not a problem, or at least it is, but within the limits of the solution. However, when you find your  house literally haunted  , it becomes a serious problem. At this point, it is natural to ask: where do they come from?

It is worth noting that among all the hypotheses, there are three that are especially supported. There are three places where  cockroaches can come from in large numbers  , and there is a great deal of truth behind them. Poor hygiene. The less hygiene there is, the greater the risk of having a real cockroach outbreak.

This is why  you should never leave food or garbage lying around,  because cockroaches are attracted by the smell, so they eat, live and proliferate in that environment, which becomes not only disgusting but also dangerous.

The environments from which cockroaches emerge

The first place cockroaches happily emerge from is the bathroom. They live peacefully and undisturbed in warm, humid environments, in this case in the sewers, then they go out into the street or infest domestic environments, especially  if maintenance or renovation work is being carried out.

Alternatively, they may come from food cartons found in warehouses. Obviously, they are not found in all warehouses in the world, only in those that are not very clean and are poorly maintained or neglected.

Finally,  they may come from a neighbour’s house, perhaps uninhabited or  with cockroach infestation problems. A pipe or a very small hole is enough to pass from one house to another, bringing with it all kinds of inconveniences and problems.

How to get rid of cockroaches and prevent them from appearing in the house

Preventing and eliminating cockroaches once and for all is difficult. In most cases, it is necessary to ask for help from specialists, without wasting time because if they lay eggs, it is the end.  Other times, it can be solved by doing it yourself. 

It is recommended to avoid the use of sprays and insecticides of any kind, which are not only bad for your health but also do not solve the problem immediately.

Instead, you should try natural methods; for example, sprinkling the floor with  crumbs of dried leaves of aromatic plants can help  . This makes the environment hostile and no longer hospitable to them.

Alternatively, you can use a mixture of  baking soda and sugar  , sprinkled on the areas most at risk. The compound, which is toxic to them, is an excellent repellent.