
How to remove the smell of urine from the bathroom and leave a pleasant aroma?

By Lilias

Humidity, scale, mould, urine… all these factors increase the feeling that our bathroom is always dirty and full of bad smells. Even too often, despite all our efforts to clean it well, unpleasant smells still remain. Don’t worry, there are always even more effective solutions to permanently eliminate those bad smells, especially urine smells!

You’ve probably noticed that, despite impeccable hygiene, the strong smell of urine does not completely evaporate. This is normal: this phenomenon results from the power of ammonia that makes up the body fluid. But it is possible to get rid of these persistent odors thanks to some natural and effective methods that have been tested.

Do you want to have spotless toilets and a fresh bathroom for longer? Follow our tips to make your own homemade air freshener to eliminate those persistent urine odors, but also any other annoying olfactory traces.

Clove – Source: spm

How to remove the smell of urine from the toilet?

If you want to put an end to this phenomenon, then we recommend that you easily and quickly make this aroma that will solve the problem.


  • 1 tablespoon of cloves
  • 1 tablespoon ground cinnamon
  • Zest of orange, lime, tangerine or grapefruit
  • medium glass container
  • piece of porous cloth
  • An elastic (string or thread)


The first thing to do is to place the citrus peels (you can choose just one or mix several) inside the glass container. Once you have all the citrus inside, you should place the spoon of cinnamon on the citrus peels, also place the spoon with the cloves inside the container. Then, mix everything together and cover with the small piece of fabric. On top of the fabric, you should place the elastic band, string or thread around the lid so that it is securely attached to the container. Once you are done, you can decorate your container as you wish (a paint-based decoration or a glitter ornament, for example) and place it in your bathroom.

You can leave it in the room for a week or two. Change the contents regularly or repeat the same process to always have this natural scent in the bathroom, both fragrant and easy to achieve.

Other methods to eliminate bad odors in the bathroom

Remember that the bathroom can smell bad for several reasons, including the excess humidity that is generated when we bathe, causing mold and scale on the walls and corners. But you can eradicate the problem by putting into practice the following tips to make your bathroom smell good:

Bathroom window – Source: spm


Ventilation is still the most effective way to make your bathroom smell good. To do this, it is essential to have a window inside this space and, if you do not have one, to have a fan or some system that circulates the air.

Keeping the window open will allow good air circulation from inside to outside and vice versa, so that there is no humidity inside. It is also advisable to leave the door open when not in use to promote air circulation.

frequent cleaning

Regular cleaning is also essential to keep bad smells away. By properly cleaning all the elements of the bathroom (sink, toilet, bathtub, shower and floor), you will be able to eliminate a high percentage of dirt and that musty smell that bothers you so much.

Daily disinfection

Disinfection is also important to help with cleaning, but especially to avoid possible contamination  by germs, bacteria and fungi. For this disinfection, it is recommended to use an alcohol spray and to wipe the most complex surfaces (such as toilets, bidets, taps and sinks) with a microfibre cloth every day.

Bathroom cleaning – Source: spm

wall cleaning

Finally, don’t neglect cleaning the walls! In the case of the bathroom, this maintenance is essential because it prevents the accumulation of excessive humidity and therefore the appearance of mold and mildew. These are difficult to combat and can create bad smells over time. Therefore, it is important to take care to clean the tiles well and let them dry after bathing.

By scrupulously following these little tips, you can find a fresh and elegant bathroom without suffocating odors!