
How can olive oil cure varicose veins?

By Lilias

People who have tried the treatment say it really works – try it  yourself  !

As many people believe, varicose veins are an aesthetic problem manifested by twisted and swollen veins that usually appear on the legs.

Of course, with our lifestyle, we leave everything to its own devices and wait until we have trophic ulcers, and that’s when all the “fun” begins, right up to surgery.

Vein walls are elastic, but usually with age they wear out and lose their elasticity, which leads to the formation of twisted and bulging veins.

Therefore, you should take care of the health of your legs in a timely manner, but if you already have the first symptoms, then it’s time to take measures, because varicose veins are quite difficult to treat!

But luckily, today we’re going to introduce a simple natural remedy that works great!

It can be used at different stages of this complex disease: when you already have venous bumps, and when you only have a capillary network.

Remember, the earlier you start taking care of your feet and start treatment, the greater the probability of a good result!

The treatment involves   the simple use of olive oil!

To do this, you need to clean the affected area with water, then warm the oil a little and rub it into places with varicose veins.

Be careful, the foot massage should be very gentle: small circular movements, from the bottom up, to increase blood flow and reduce the appearance of your varicose veins.

Repeat this procedure every night before going to bed.

People who have tried the treatment say it really works – give it a try and we’re sure you’ll be amazed at the results!

Before using folk remedies, it is recommended to consult a doctor.