
Boiled lemon: a drink that helps you lose weight

By Lilias

Today we want to share with you that you can lose up to 20 kilos by drinking  boiled lemon.

If we eat a diet based solely on saturated fats, sugar and excess salt, there are many

chances of gaining a few extra pounds , which is almost always our biggest concern because it makes our body look less thin, as we would like.

Most people have heard or read about the benefits of lemon, including  that it detoxifies and purifies the body , and also helps with weight loss, but we only realize its power when we include it in our diet and notice the results.

This fruit can also be used in  traditional cooking  (fortunately, it has a delicious flavour that will enrich any dish or dessert) or for medicinal purposes. Its extremely useful and beneficial properties help the skin to eliminate spots and fungus, heal wounds and relieve pain.

The effects of boiled lemon

With daily use you get:

  • Cleansing the body.
  • Detoxification of the body.
  • Thin.
  • Improves metabolism.

Below we will reveal to you an extraordinary recipe for boiled lemon that you can drink daily. In parallel with the intake, it is necessary to review your diet and switch to a low-fat and nutrient-rich diet.

Boiled lemon detox recipe


  • 2 liters of water
  • 5 cloves of garlic
  • 5 lemons.
  • 1 inch ginger

Cut the lemons in half and squeeze out the juice. Then, peel the garlic and ginger and  place them in a blender along with the lemon juice. Blend everything until smooth.

 At the same time, heat the 2 liters of water and the squeezed lemon peel in a pot  . When it boils, add the mixture from the blender and cook for a few minutes. Strain the drink and let it cool slightly before drinking.


  • Drink a glass on an empty stomach every morning, since lemon  has acidic properties; when it enters the stomach , it increases bile production and improves the functioning of the digestive system.
  • Eat a boiled lemon every morning,  follow a healthy diet and walk 30 minutes a day.  Follow this procedure  for 3 months and the results will appear.
  • You must keep in mind that our body needs to stay hydrated and that mineral water without sweeteners, flavors or other additives is the  best for the entire body.